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#••. 28, 201,511, <br />Page 5 <br />Ms. Easton said the proposed zoning change was to a Multi -Family No. I for the purpose <br />of constructing <br />• multi -unit complex. She said the • & Zoning Commission <br />recommended approval of this zoning change. She also said there were drainage concerns <br />expressed during the public hearing, and those concerns would be addressed during the <br />development process. Ms. Easton said she believes the drainage problem was an existing one. <br />Mayor Clifford opened the public hearing and asked for anyone wishing to speak in <br />support or opposition of this item, to please come forward. Judy Malone, 1975 E. Cherry spoke <br />in opposition of this change, as did Brandon Alterro. Mayor Clifford said there was an <br />acknowledgement of the current drainage problem, and the city engineer would be working with <br />the developer. Developer Skyler Burchinal said he had a respect for E. Cherry, and that he <br />owned a large amount of property on the street and in the area. He said he did not want to flood <br />his own houses and in fact could create a water shed. Skipper Steely said his mother lived in the <br />nearby apartment complex and there was a lot of water already going through there at a fast pace, <br />as well as through Wade Park. With no one else speaking, Mayor Clifford closed the public <br />hearing. <br />Council Member Stone inquired of Ms. Easton if this was against the plan. Ms. Easton <br />said it was and should have been changed when staff did the review. Council Member Portugal <br />said this was inconsistent, as they had just denied one. Council Member Knox said she had <br />always been an advocate for neighborhood revitalization but this one was a difficult one. <br />Council Member Pilgrim said developing this piece of property could improve the current <br />drainage problem. <br />Following additional discussion, a Motion to approve this item was made by Council <br />Member Pilgrim, and seconded by Council Member Knox. Motion carried, 3 ayes — 2 nays, with <br />Council Members Portugal and Stone casting the dissenting votes. <br />17. Discuss, conduct a public hearing and act on an Ordinance regarding the petition of the <br />City of Paris, Texas to update Zoning Ordinance No. 1710 of the City of Paris, Texas, <br />specifically modifying regulations for storage containers. <br />Ms. Easton said the 2018 Comp Plan recommendation included proper regulation of <br />container structures. She also said the use of shipping containers or similar portable storage units <br />had become a popular trend, and were first used for temporary movable storage solutions. Ms. <br />Easton reported that there were many locations where businesses and homeowners were <br />choosing to utilize them as permanent outdoor storage, and it was important that the City set <br />expectations where these units were appropriate within the community. Ms. Easton said the <br />Planning and Zoning Commission approved the regulations as written 3-1. <br />Council Member Knox inquired if this ordinance allowed for a metal container to be us <br />in the backyard for a permanent storage, and Ms. Easton answered in the affirmative. Coun <br />Member Knox questioned why they would allow that. Ms. Easton said it would be allowed on <br />if not ble from the street. Council Member Portugal was not in favor of this ordinance <br />written. Council Member Knox said a portable storage building was different from these me <br />containers, and should not be allowed in residential areas as permanent storage, Council Memb] <br />
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