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Regular Council Meeting <br />March 9, 2020 <br />Page 4 <br />Mayor Clifford proposed a third option, which was the City purchase the compression <br />chest machines from City reserves and that EMS pay back the reserves with interest, instead of <br />interest being paid to the bankers. <br />A Motion to approve purchase of the five chest compression machines under option three <br />was made by Council Member Pilgrim and seconded by Council Member Knox. Motion carried, <br />5 ayes — 0 nays. <br />11. Discuss and act on collection of the 1% fee for a public, educational, and governmental <br />channel. <br />Mayor Clifford said he had this placed on the agenda, because since he had been on City <br />Council the City had been collecting this fee, and no one knew what was going to be done with <br />it. Mayor Clifford said the City had collected nearly $600,000 and the money had to be spent on <br />specific capital items and someone had to be hired to run the channel. Mayor Clifford asked Mr. <br />Anderson what he proposed they do with the money. Mr. Anderson said that staff could see if it <br />could be used to offset franchise fees with regard to Suddenlink, and said he would check into it. <br />It was a consensus of City Council to discontinue collecting this fee, and leave it up to <br />Mr. Anderson to explore ideas about what they could legally do with the money that had been <br />collected, and report back to Council. <br />12. Discuss and act on ORDINANCE NO. 2020-009: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING <br />ARTICLE XI OF CHAPTER TWO, SECTIONS 2-551, OF THE CODE OF <br />ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS TO PROVIDE FOR THE <br />CITIZENS OF LAMAR COUNTY TO BE ABLE TO SERVE ON THE MUNICIPAL <br />BAND COMMISSION; TO PROVIDE THAT ALL BAND MEMBERS SHOULD <br />SERVE WITHOUT A TERM LIMIT; MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND <br />PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR <br />PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING AN <br />EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />Mayor Clifford said he brought this item forward because he was the liaison to the band. <br />Mayor Clifford explained the band commission needed people with musical ability and without <br />term limits to retain those people. Mayor Clifford said he would like to see membership opened <br />to Lamar County to attract more people with musical talent. Council Member Portugal favored <br />that idea, citing that the municipal band was a treasure to the City. <br />A Motion to terminate term limits and to open membership to Lamar County residents <br />was made by Mayor Clifford and seconded by Council Member Portugal. Motion carried, 5 ayes <br />— 0 nays. <br />13. Discuss and act on one appointment to the Building & Standards Commission. <br />