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"PHEIMFORE', ITIT?, MINTY JTJDGE OF LAMAR COUNTY AND TIME RAMAIR, <br />COURT'aiv, recomakending the IbliaAAdnS re.,,striction.'s be,,, Self- <br />h-qposwNi Ilk Sn effOrt tai SIDW 01' to the spread of (N.) D-4 and to arvoid linthenr restdirtion's <br />allovved under Guvejrwwut Code Sv;tion 418.108 <br />L Cifizrans of LUID'OT ("."'Ounty should limit the atberingt <br />of P s 0 <br />,,- no niore than 10 people <br />and all such gatherfiipN of uioin 1.1ijan 10 pe-ople until ft.irther notice, "For purposes hemAT4 <br />a gathering is any Indoor or (,utdcor event thatbringstoged,,)i,,ir or is likely to, bfirLt; togethex <br />mom-, than 11) People at the Same, time in a si.r gle. space w -here, people we pmsmit and <br />within 6 hwt of one another, without rzgard to the pwpa.)Sc of the gethering. <br />I This Resolution reconura-,,,,nds that re%lawunts vdfl� i or without drive-in or drive-tbrough <br />Servic.W-9; dyivfa-in restaurants; drive4hrouO, n,,,.,,.staur=.ts; or rniorobnnwet ies, zraicrz- <br />distillefles, or wineries may ordy provide take, out, defivery, or drive .in or drive-through <br />seavices, if ]�,YermfttrA by WAP. <br />This recon.une.ndstbal individuals cannot occupy t1te following; baxs, loi.mges,, <br />taverns, comyneavial wnuseinentestisbntrnts� lbinga hathe heaters, g <br />erns" Privat <br />able <br />chibe, hair and Friail sW.ons and barlbea- shops, estheficlans and irdetWx persorhal cam <br />businessiml, spas, masisage parlars, taftoo and pieccinp , sal. 4, event <br />pulors, twmfi.4o1a. <br />canw, Nr hotel nxecting %pmes and ballrooms, outdoor plaz= azid xnazhkets. <br />4.. Ilwis Rasoluti. on, allows, flarlbe IbIloviing entities t.b cortimr, dioing business as lang a <br />they ey.4kDroe social separadon; gmcqy stores,sum�s sirelling esserifial household gwoods, <br />convenicner,and pakagvstorek phai macies and dri,jig, storva,,, rncdirheifitim, non-prcv, Et <br />service providers, homeltzis and emergency shelf ens, afficz., Infildings, assential <br />govamyncmbudipg, airportnd trnsit wities,nPortaliox-i stmsre d rdal <br />buildfiTp m.d howl, and manufarAuing, amid distsibution fizeffl-fies. <br />ossi <br />Shopping, should be donr <br />e ky one i <br />famly mein, ber only If <br />1. 21 SH, Pble. Famfly <br />shopping trips shoulid lac avoided antH farthw- nodee. <br />In all, slxh locathxls�, there must beszg'ficient sj7aae for all. people to be 6 i1x-A 8.13m at all <br />tirries to Control inf,�C,60H, <br />5.Notivith9tandinp,ffie <br />. above reeminren dations, this Ikesolution is not intewdexl,tx) apply, to, <br />any biasiness opurations defivering essential sxxvices. ESSellfikll.Services mcmms servkx-S, <br />by whfarnsoever rffldexed, rmidwhether raiaa ered. to thegover'JUnf.4aft or to any otber persotk, <br /> janterrUptiI01:1 of JhFhjrjjr WC.)uld scar angem life, healdri or personal Wely afthe whole or <br />part rad, he,opulatilon. <br />,P <br />6. IfSOITIW,)neinalic�usebLeldlies traria pa:)siliverorC•OVII)-19,,tyre hoiiseliiiolaiisurcixro,!,,dto <br />isolate at lionie. Members i, -)f the, household cannot go U.) '010FIC, SCIII001, or' amy other <br />