the Office of the L.aialar County Judge and the Paris-Lamar Counly, Flealth
<br />1.)ePartment url�-11(-., people to iu ot attend n(.M-essential fpadrielings during the
<br />duration. (,:fft.his Order in order,- to hell.-) slow down the spread ofthe COVID--
<br />19 virus.
<br />3. Diefinitions
<br />.
<br />h ing" does not include
<br />aFor purposes of clarity, a oriamunity Gat' ei,
<br />the follovOng, so long as visitors are generally not witlidn arral's
<br />length, of one anot,her, for extended perloids:
<br />(i) s )aces wbere 1.0 or more persons Yng be in transit or
<br />I 'Y
<br />W"Ating for, transit such as airports, bus stations or
<br />terintruals; (H) office space or residential buildings; (iff)
<br />grucery stores, shopping malls, or other retail
<br />estabu shn.i,enu where large numbers of people are present
<br />but it lily unusual f6r Itliern to be wiChin arm.'length of one
<br />another p"ol- ex,hoar ded Periods; and. (W) hospffi.-fls and
<br />medic,a] facilifies. In all sucti settings, Maiyor Cliff6rd and
<br />the Office of the 1..amar C ounty ItiAge and the Paris-Lamar
<br />County 1-lealth Department, r'ecommends follomdng the
<br />attatz.hedSocial DistancAng Recomrnendatiw,-ts, and
<br />personal hyffiene measure!s such as .and sanitizer and
<br />tissues skiniuld be providedwhen, 1,3os-',sible,
<br />4. 11"his extended 0iii-der shall be effktive fo�r thin-y (30) dayss, or, untill it is
<br />either rescinded, superseded, or amended pursuant to applicat)le law.
<br />5, The Cfi't:y of Pafl.s must promptlY provide copies of th'LIS Order by posting on
<br />the City of'Pal-'S wiebsfte. In addition, the owner, manager, or operator of
<br />any f cility that, is likely to be impacted lay Order� is stron'-Igly
<br />encouraged to PoSt a CC)PY Of tj.jrpS Oi:"der ODSp,te. If any stilbsection,
<br />sent ,rare, Clause, phrase, or area of thLif; Order, or any applic-ation of it to
<br />any person, strticture, pathering
<br />, or circumsunce ishiapp d Ito be invalid or
<br />unconstitutionaLl by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, then
<br />such decision VAH, not affect di,e vafid4 of the remaining portions (,-W
<br />applications of t1ais Order,
<br />IT IS SO ORDERED this 26t,11h day of March, 2020.
<br />Steve:'I" Cliff6rd, MD, Mayor
<br />