4 A
<br />Sec21,-51. Shortfifie.
<br />TKI s AMcie shaft be Iknown and may be ciU.)d as theCurfew 0rdInanc*.(0rdjnance 2016-009, sec. 2, adopted
<br />31141 6)
<br />Sec. 21" 52. Purpose and findings.
<br />(a) Purpose.. The pi.pose of this article ps to protect the wee of cl-sildreiin by
<br />(1) Reducing the likelihoiDd that children will be the vicfirris of airrilrial acts duting cuffew hountr,
<br />(2), Reducing Me likelihood that chfldren will become pnvolved in aiminal acft, during curfew hours;
<br />and
<br />(3) AidMg parents, guairdiaris, cu,,dians, or other r prm pppmpm Iprsons, M ecarlying out their
<br />ire-sporisibii fty to exe-rcAse st.ipervWorm of the children entnisted to ttreiir ceire-
<br />(b) Findings. fri determining that a need exists for, this article, tiie cityw.. uncil finds and determines as
<br />polio
<br />(1) pIhe chy is a stable tarnfly commt.inity wheire parental remponsibElity,for the whereabouts o,f ctfldren
<br />is the noirrn.
<br />(2) During rioctumal hour dhildrenarr: at greaper dApr for victimization or becorrilng involved in
<br />definquent or, aimfinal behavior.
<br />(3)As jpq,.,.ueiirAaI cnntrol increases, the fikelihood of children being vicbry-sized or becoiftmng invroll ved in
<br />deflnqucaint or crirninal Ibehavior decreasems,
<br />(4,) 'nievictimization of chfldreini and invdIv(,-,?.rnent of dItzifldiren, in crime and vidlent crime havo-,.-,, reached
<br />anunaczeph-ible and alarming p coirnpeffing ffie city councH to adopt this arficlefor the pubfic good,
<br />safety, arid wedfarei,.
<br />(Om dinaiii-scy-.1, 201&009, sec. 2, adopted 3/14/16)
<br />See. 21-53. Definifions.
<br />For the puirposes of this arflcWAI, the frollowing tems, phrases, words, and their dierivations, shall have the faflom"Irig
<br />rneainnq given heire in.'When not, luruarururwsisteml Wfth the conteA, words used in the present tense, include 'the future,
<br />words in the inns cuplan e include the ferninine, wnrds iin the plural rwrnber inchidetim sMgular, and words in the
<br />singular nuniber include the plund. The wnird'shall' is alwars, maridatory and not rnere4y pr Tommy:
<br />L& means the City of flarls,
<br />ChildChild rnesivis a person who lt�i undeir seve-riteem ('17) years of age.
<br />.1
<br />QjM#2g!j �ne A per'son acAs wRI-i criminal negligence, or is aliminafly negpip gerd, with rit'.,spect to circunistarim., s
<br />0 111 nding his condud, or the result of his conduct. when tie ought to Ike aware Of a SUN;,dantial aind un u4stifia.-We
<br />R ffou J
<br />risk thatr the circumstances exist or the ii-emift will occuir. IIie risk rriusd be of si ich nature and degree, that thefaflure
<br />to percelve it consfitmutes a gross deviation frorn the standard of .are thid ain ordinary persf,.-)n would exere-J"r-'e, under
<br />all Ulm circ-urristances as Vilem.-W frorn'the actor's slandpoint,
<br />Custmjian rneansthe aduft wpm th whom the chUd reside*p.
<br />M
<br />.fic means an unflareseen cornblinallon of circurnstances orthe resuifirig .4 -kat that all for iirrinic;,diate
<br />..M .. I _
<br />acliorii, The tenn incluides, btA is not flyndead to, a fire, a natural f.fisester, an autornobile aadident, oir aarmy sftuaflon
<br />rpt,juiflng Irvime-diate acflon to prevent sedous bodfly hIJUry or Icyst, of Iffe.
<br />Establishmeni rneans any pflvately owned plaos, of Ibusiness opeaded for a pirofil, to which the public is invited,
<br />--.1.1-1-1- .......... --
<br />indiuding, but not Kffiftedtx% any lAace o,f airnusetment or, err tezrtainmeint
<br />Guartfian irneans the persoin who,, under court wdwr, is the guardian of the peawn of the child or the Ipubfic or private
<br />aiency YAh wt*nrii the ch0d has been placed Iby a murt.
<br />Lgk(@_nLI�iqn@,fjy, A person asap; intentionally, c-xr with intent, with respect to the nature of his manduct or to a rehuft. ()f his
<br />c,onductr when ft is his consdous objective or desire to evigage in the conduct or cause the result.
<br />Ll<do rare.A person acts knowingly, or Wth knowledge, with respect to the insture of his Minduct or to
<br />(-,-AW'CUWTIV,t8II(XM3 sAirrounding his mnduct whein he is aware of 11he nature% of his cmiridixt or that the dircurnstr.,-kncns
<br />exist,, A person acts knoMnglly, or with knowledge, with respect. to a iesuft of his conduct when he is aware that ift
<br />conduct is reasonaNy ceitain to a,,,Ause :IVm iresuult.
<br />