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4 1 R(TO I Is <br />a duplex would provide a good transition to the adjacent neighborhood. City staff <br />recommends approval. <br />-#I SVI'R/ *e Mr*JLdL'..J v Vj* -fle <br />out of tV&.Yowid -nlainmD ires txvit.?dd <br />Public hearing was declared closed. <br />r!,etition. Motion carried 5-0. <br />5. Public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition of Grace Bible Church <br />Paris for a change in zoning from Public Lands and Institutions (PLI) to a Commercial <br />District (C), in the City of Paris, Block 307, Lot 5B, located at 2885 N Main Street. <br />Easton states Grace Bible Church Paris, is requesting a change in zoning in order to open <br />a church. The site is approximately 2 acres and was previously owned by the State of Texas <br />and used for the local DPS office. The future land use plan recommends for this site to be <br />used as commercial. Existing land uses in the area include fueling stations, retirement <br />home, hotel, and other commercial businesses. There is an existing building onsite, which <br />will be remodeled into a church. There is adequate parking and driveways to serve the site. <br />This zoning request conforms to the recommendations in the future land use plan and is <br />supported by city staff. <br />MM- <br />T -4 <br />ITIotion was ma-de-5-y-Fr-amme Ileeley, seconded by James O'Bryan to approve Me <br />petition. Motion carried 5-0. <br />