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MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING <br />AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD <br />THURSDAY, February 20, 2020, 5:30 p.m. <br />1. Call meeting to order. <br />The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. Members present were Ray Ball, Scott <br />Hearne, Anna Spencer, David Taylor, Brad Meyers, and Jim Bell. Scott Avery was <br />absent. Also, present were Carla Easton, Lance Nicholson, and Jerry Richey and Council <br />woman Paula Portugal <br />2. Citizens' input. <br />No one spoke during citizens' input. <br />3. Approval of minutes from January 16, 2020 regular meeting. <br />David Taylor moved for approval of minutes, Scott Hearne seconded. Motion passed 6- <br />0. <br />4. Receive FBO report. <br />Jerry Richey said Dr. Trenchard had expressed an interest in building a hangar next to <br />hangar J, and they had begun the process. He also said someone else was interested in <br />building another hangar, but that had not gone any further. Dr. Taylor asked if these <br />proposed hangars were in the original master plan and Jerry said that they were. Ray Ball <br />asked about the process of building another hangar and Jerry explained the process. <br />5. Discuss and act on recommendations for the Cox Field Master Plan, Capital <br />Improvement Plan, and RAMP Plan. <br />Carla displayed the Master Plan, reviewed the Capital Improvement Plan and the RAMP <br />Plan. She said the next step was to finalize the plan and take it to city council. Carla also <br />said when working with TxDOT, it took several years for approval. Carla asked the <br />board if they had any changes and there were none. She answered questions from the <br />board. <br />David Taylor moved to approve the CII' plan and RAMP plan in order of priority as <br />displayed by staff (Carla Easton) and per the master plan, specifically the short term <br />project, the intermediate term project, and then of lowest priority the asphalt around the <br />fuel tanks. The motion failed to receive a second. <br />Jim Bell moved to approve the recommendations without specific priority, Ray Ball <br />seconded. Motion passed 5-1. David Taylor opposed. <br />