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City of Paris Grant Application for Fiscal Year 2021 https://abtpa.tamu.e"Application TrintAppheation.asp?Appl =159& <br />The Task Force is comprised of only (2) two Detectives that are both assigned to the criminal investigative <br />division of the PARIS POLICE DEPARTMENT. Both Detectives are supervised by (1) one of the (2) two <br />Lieutenants in the criminal investigative division. The Lieutenant reports to a Captain in Criminal investigation <br />that Is supervised by the Assistant Chief of Police and Chief of Police. The Task Force uses data in the City of <br />Paris Computer Information System and the UCR numbers provided through that system. Both Detectives are <br />assigned cases by the Captain of the Criminal Investigation Division and the cases are tracked and kept up with <br />for evaluation and reporting to the grant management system. <br />4.2 Provide suggested measures that your think would better reflect the law enforcement or prevention work that <br />your grant will perform. If the suggested measure fits into one of the goals 1-3 in the goals list above please <br />indicate. If the suggested measure is a new kind of goal please suggest what best fits your measure. <br />=1 <br />The certifying official is the authorized official, Grayson Path, City Manager. <br />By submitting this application I certify that I have been designated by my jurisdiction as the authorized official to <br />accept the terms and conditions of the grant. The statements herein are true, complete, and accurate to the best of <br />my knowledge. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, <br />civil, or administrative penalties. <br />By submitting this application I certify that my jurisdiction agrees to comply with all terms and conditions if the grant <br />is awarded and accepted. I further certify that my jurisdiction will comply with all applicable state and federal laws, <br />rules and regulations in the application, acceptance, administration and operation of this grant. <br />14 of 14 05/21/2020,11:42 AM <br />