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For additional information, the City of Paris delinquent tax on the property was $29,986.51 (tax <br />years 2013-18), as well as $15,560.30 for nuisance abatement costs and $4,112.06 in legal fees. It <br />should be noted that when a property goes up for auction, the end result is not always full <br />compensation of delinquent taxes. More importantly, having the property in the hands of an owner <br />who will pay future taxes as well as maintain the property is a desired outcome. We believe such <br />to be the case in this situation. <br />If the City Council approves of the sale, the Lamar County, Paris Junior College, and Paris ISD <br />must each also approve the sale as all four entities are joint owners of the property. The Pounders <br />Law Firm and Staff would take necessary actions to present this to each of them. <br />BUDGET: The City does not pay the Pounders Law Firm directly for its work, but rather their fee <br />comes out of the sale of the property. The City therefore has no direct expense other than time of <br />staff. If the sale is approved by all four taxing entities, then the City's final revenue is estimated <br />to be $14,000 which is a prorated share with the other three taxing entities. <br />OPTIONS: <br />1. Approve the Resolution as drafted, authorizing for the sale of the property, <br />2. Request additional information. <br />3. Edit the Resolution. <br />4. Counter the offer. <br />5. Reject the offer, the City will continue to list the property for sale as Trustee on behalf of <br />the City, County, Paris ISD, and Paris Junior College. <br />RECOMMENDATION: Approve Resolution authorizing the sale of a tract of tax foreclosed <br />property known as the Westgate Apartments to Rain Financial Services, Inc. in the amount of <br />$75,000, and authorize the mayor to execute the deeds. <br />