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13 - Authorizing necessary documents to pursue the Coronavirus Relief Fund created by the CARES Act
City Council
Agenda Packets
06 - JUNE
13 - Authorizing necessary documents to pursue the Coronavirus Relief Fund created by the CARES Act
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STATE OF TEXAS <br />May 11, 2020 <br />Dear County and City Leaders: <br />Thank you for your continued work to combat the coronavirus and address the ancillary effects <br />of that fight in your communities. These are tremendously difficult times for all Texans. Please <br />know that the elected representatives in your state government are working continuously to <br />protect the health and safety of this state, mitigate the economic ramifications of COVID-19, and <br />build a path towards recovery. <br />As you are keenly aware, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security <br />(CARES) Act to provide much needed resources to help governments, businesses, and <br />individuals respond to the current pandemic. President Trump signed the CARES Act into law <br />and his administration continues to provide guidance on the numerous avenues of federal <br />funding the legislation provides. Within the CARES Act, the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) <br />was created to provide financial resources to state and local governments. As it relates to the <br />CRF, Texas has received approximately $11.24 billion from the United States Department of <br />Treasury (Treasury) for direct coronavirus related expenses based on the funding formula <br />provided in the CARES Act. <br />Consistent with the CARES Act, 45 percent of the total $11.24 billion state allocation— <br />approximately $5.06 billion—will be made available to local governments. Of that $5.06 billion, <br />Treasury has directly sent just over $3.2 billion to the six cities and 12 counties in Texas with a <br />population greater than 500,000. That leaves approximately $1.85 billion that the state can make <br />available to the cities and counties in the rest of the state. <br />Counties below 500,000 population and the Cities within them <br />The 242 counties, and each of the cities within those counties, that did not receive direct <br />allocations from Treasury are eligible to apply to the state for a per capita allocation from the <br />$1.85 billion. Cities with a population less than 500,000 located in counties with a population <br />exceeding 500,000 are addressed later in this letter. County allocations will be calculated based <br />on the population in the unincorporated areas of the county. We encourage cities and counties to <br />work together to address expenses that cross jurisdictional lines. <br />
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