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MINUTES <br />PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION <br />WWW.ZOOM.US <br />MEETING ID 862-0422-7126 TO JOIN <br />MONDAY, MAY 43 2020 <br />5:30 O'CLOCK P.M. <br />The meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 5:3 Op.m. by <br />Chad Lindsey, Vice Chairman. <br />Commissioners were present online via with the exception of Keith <br />Flowers. <br />Also present were staff members Carla Easton, Triniti Frazier, Clyde Crews, Grayson Path <br />and City Council Liaison Steve Clifford. <br />2. Citizen's forum <br />(Unless an item is posted on the Agenda, the Texas Open Meetings Act prohibits the Commission from responding to any <br />comments other than to refer the matter to a future agenda, to an existing policy, or to a staff person with specific factual <br />information. Claims against the City, Council Members, or employees, as well as individual personal appeals are not <br />appropriate for citizens ' forum) <br />With no citizen's logged into the on-line zoom meeting the forum was declared closed. <br />3. Approval of minutes from the meeting of April 6, 2020. <br />Motion was made by Sims Norment, seconded by James O'Bryan to approve the minutes <br />for the April 6, 2020 meeting. Motion carried 6-0. <br />4. Consideration of and action on the Preliminary Plat of Lots 1 and 2, Block A of the <br />Morrell Square Addition, LCAD Property ID 18290, located in the 2800 Block of NE <br />Loop 286. <br />Easton asks that the commission pass on items 4 and 5 taking no action as the surveyor <br />got back to us late requesting to withdraw the plats. They are intending on platting the <br />smaller lot and will resubmit for the June meeting. <br />5. Consideration of and action on the Final Plat of Lots 1 and 2, Block of the Morrell <br />Square Addition, LCAD Property ID 18290, located in the 2800 Block of NE Loop 286 <br />