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05 - City Council Minutes
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06 - JUNE
05 - City Council Minutes
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Regular Council Meeting <br />June 8, 2020 <br />Page 5 <br />the restrictions for use of these funds, and said he would be seeking a third -party administrator to <br />administer this grant on behalf of the City. Mr. Path answered questions from City Council <br />regarding of tracking expenses and reimbursement of expenses. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Portugal and seconded by <br />Council Member Pilgrim. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />14. Discuss and act on the procurement process for the Love Civic Center Restoration <br />Project. <br />Mr. Path said the Chamber engaged the services of an architectural firm to perform an <br />assessment of the Love Civic Center, which produced nearly $3 million in potential <br />rehabilitation/restoration work. He explained that the 2% Hotel Occupancy Tax rate increase <br />funded $1.5 million and out of those funds, $1.28 million was remaining. Mr. Path said upon his <br />arrival in late April, the Chamber contacted him asking for his assistance with .this process. He <br />said together they decided to take a step back and re-evaluate the status of theyroject. He said <br />the City and Chamber had been working together reviewing the original list of work items and <br />were in agreement remaining tasks ,were large ticket, items that would require the services of an <br />Architectural or`like firm to properly design for -bid. '�Mr. Path explained the two phases in order <br />to ;move forward with procurement process; and brought to the attention the request for <br />qualifications and contract to be used for a professional services' firm. Mr. Path answered <br />questions from City Council._ <br />Council Member ;Portugal',said she was so impressed with the request for qualifications <br />that Mr. Path had written. Mayor 'Clifford expressed his appreciation for Mr. Path's approach. <br />Council Member Pilgrims said he was in favor with moving forward with this approach. Council <br />Member Hughes inquired if Council would see the study.prior to acontract being signed. Mr. <br />Path answered in the affirmative. <br />A Motion to move forward with the process outlined by Mr. Path was made by Council <br />Member Pilgrim, and seconded by Mayor Clifford and Council Member Knox. Motion carried, <br />6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />15. Receive and discuss the 2020 Water & Wastewater Cost of Service Study. <br />Chris Ekrut with NewGen Strategies presented the findings of the rate study. In <br />summary, Mr. Ekrut said the retail rates for both water and wastewater were insufficient, as well <br />as commercial water and wastewater rates. He also said when considering the rates, they should <br />consider the rate impact of the future Wastewater Treatment Plant investment. He went over the <br />proposed residential and commercial water rates and wastewater rates, providing two scenarios <br />for each. <br />Council Member Pilgrim inquired if during the budget process they might be able to <br />offset costs, especially for customer services. Mr. Path said he was not sure if they could get that <br />done this summer, as he had not had a chance to review the budget in depth. With regard to the <br />
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