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06 - Boards & Commissions - Minutes
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06 - JUNE
06 - Boards & Commissions - Minutes
Entry Properties
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Easton states this is the same plat with same comments requesting no action as this item <br />will be resubmitted for the June meeting. <br />6. Consideration of and action on the Preliminary Plat of Lots 1, 2, 3, Block A of the <br />Davidson 112 Addition, LOAD Property ID 15777, 15778, 15779 located in the 600 <br />Block of SE 12th Street and 1200 Block of E Hearon Street. <br />Easton states Kenneth Dority owns 2.283 acres located in the 600 block of 12th Street SE and <br />the 1200 block of Hearon Street. He is proposing to subdivide the property into 3 separate <br />lots for the purpose of building a duplex on each lot. Lots 1 & 2 face 12th SE and Lot 3 faces <br />Hearon Street. The property is currently zoned two-family dwelling (2F). The owner has <br />submitted a preliminary and final plat of the property. Water and sewer utilities are available <br />to the site, and access to the public street is available. It appears that the plats comply with <br />the City of Paris subdivision regulations, subject to the following revisions: <br />1. Provide the existing street right of way (ROW) width for both 12thSE and Hearon Street <br />2. Show location and size of existing utilities <br />3. Dedicate 5' of ROW along the frontage of 12th SE and Hearon Street <br />Motion was made by Francine Neeley, seconded by Sims Norment to approve the <br />preliminary plat with noted revisions. Motion carried 6-0. <br />7. Consideration of and action on the Final Plat of Lots 1, 2, 3, Block A of the Davidson <br />112 Addition, LOAD Property ID 15777, 15778, 15779 located in the 600 Block of SE <br />12th Street and 1200 Block of E Hearon Street. <br />Easton states this is the same plat with same comments. <br />Motion was made by Sims Norment, seconded by James O'Bryan to approve the final <br />plat with noted revisions. Motion carried 6-0. <br />8. Consideration of and action on the Preliminary Plat of Lots 1 and 2, Block A of the Villa <br />Real Addition CB 307-B, LCAD Property ID 121104, located in the 3900 Block of <br />Highway 271 North. <br />Easton states C & M Villarreal FLP owns 5.9934 acres located in the 3900 block of <br />Highway 271 North, and is proposing to subdivide the property into two (2) lots of <br />4.5527 acres and 1.4407 acres in order to build a parole office for the Department of <br />Criminal Justice. The property is currently zoned Commercial (C). The owner has <br />
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