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16-17 - Amend Bylaws of the Paris Economic Development Corporation & Amend Articles of Incorporation
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16-17 - Amend Bylaws of the Paris Economic Development Corporation & Amend Articles of Incorporation
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Section 5.04 Meeting Agenda. The Executive Director and Board Chairman shall be <br />jointly responsible for the creation and posting of PEDC meeting agendas. Any member of the <br />Board may request that an item be placed on the Agenda by delivering the same in writing to the <br />Chairman or the Executive Director no later than five (5) days prior to the date of the Board <br />meeting. The posting of agendas shall conform to the requirements of the Texas Open Meetings <br />Act and Section 5.05 of these Bylaws. <br />Section 5.05 Notice. Notice and conduct of all meetings shall conform to the Texas <br />Open Meetings Act. Notice shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas <br />Government Code, and shall contain information regarding the particular time, date, and location <br />of the meeting and the Agenda to be considered. <br />Section 5.06 Waiver of Notice. The section applies to required notice to Directors only. <br />Whenever any notice is required to be given to any Director of the Corporation under the <br />provisions of the statutes, the Articles of Incorporation, or these Bylaws, a waiver thereof in <br />writing signed by the person or persons entitled to such notice, whether before or after the time <br />stated in the notice, shall be deemed equivalent to the giving of such notice. <br />Section 5.07Attendance as Waiver. Attendance of Director at a meeting shall constitute <br />a waiver of notice of such meeting. <br />Section 5.08 Attendance. Regular attendance of the Board meetings is required of all <br />Directors. Three (3) consecutive absences or other such irregular meeting attendance may be <br />considered as grounds for removal from the Board. <br />SECTION VI <br />OFFICERS <br />Section 6.01 Officers of the Corporation. The elected officers of the Corporation shall <br />be a Chairman, Vice, Chairman and Secretary -Treasurer. The Board may resolve to elect one or <br />more Assistant Secretaries -Treasurers as it may consider desirable. Such officers shall have the <br />authority and duties of office as provided in these By -Laws, the Articles of Incorporation, the <br />Texas Development Corporation Act and the Texas Non -Profit Corporation Act. <br />Section 6.02 Selection of Officers. The offices of Chairman, Vice Chairman, and <br />Secretary -Treasurer shall be by nomination and majority vote of the Board. The term of office <br />of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary -Treasurer shall always be for a period of one (1) <br />year from the date of selection by the Board, provided however, that the Chairman, Vice <br />Chairman, and Secretary -Treasurer continue to serve until the election of their successors. <br />Section 6.03 Vacancies Vacancies in any office which occur by reason of death, <br />resignation, disqualification, removal, or otherwise, may be filled by the Board for the unexpired <br />portion of the term of that office, in the same manner as other officers are elected. <br />Section 6.04 Officers'Authority and Duties <br />BYLAWS -PARIS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION <br />Updated and Approved by PEDC Board of Directors on 6-16-2020 Res. 2020-001 <br />
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