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the minimum requirements in the IRC without fire -rated walls. Easton states if approved, <br />a home constructed in this way will not be visually consistent with the existing five <br />homes on the street, so the expectation of neighboring property owners should be closely <br />considered as part of the site plan approval. <br />Public hearing declared open. <br />Carolyn Patterson states she owns the home across from the lots. She spoke in favor of <br />the petition as long as it is a single-family home and not a duplex. <br />Christy Wendell states she does not have any concerns for combining the two lots. <br />Wendell asked if the floor plan for this home has been submitted to be consistent with the <br />other homes in the area. Commissioner O'Bryan advised that building plans are not part <br />of their review. Easton read some of the stipulations of the previous site plan regarding <br />brick veneer. <br />Public hearing declared closed. <br />Motion was made by Clifton Fendley, seconded by Rick Hundley to approve the petition <br />altering the existing Site Plan with the stipulations brought forward from the original Site <br />Plan. Motion carried 5-0. <br />5. Public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition of Wilson Brothers LLC <br />to alter an existing Planned Development District (PD) Site Plan in the Paris 'Towne <br />Crossing Addition, .Lot (A, Block 1, LCAD Property ID 401417, located in the 1300 <br />Block of 11T Collegiate Dr. <br />Easton states Roderick Tatehio has submitted a modified site plan on behalf of the owner <br />showing the proposed Ashley Furniture Home Store on part of the original Lot 6. The <br />primary change is the size of the store with respect to the overall retail center, which <br />originally planned for a single large retail development. The site plan appears to comply <br />with the subdivision and zoning regulations, and staff sees no reason to oppose this <br />modification to the original site plan. Easton states we have received a single letter of <br />support for the site plan change. <br />Public hearing was declared open. <br />With no one speaking the public hearing was declared closed. <br />Motion was made by Keith Flowers, seconded by James O'Bryan to approve the petition <br />altering the existing Site Plan. Motion carried 5-0. <br />