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a <br />m + r PMerLY and Premises ufltc the mid COX SOUTHWEST HOLDINGS. <br />the tem ofyeais as stated herein, uponand conditions <br />Six ThousetW'Dollars ($6,000-00) arutually, the first installment of Six ThousandDollgM <br />(56,000.00) having been paid in'advance by said Lessee to Lc%sor. the -receipt of utich is <br />hereby ackno-Aledged, and a like installmebt shall be due and 1payable on the JQ day of <br />October, 2006 und! day of October f !„ to r; including <br />day of October, 2029.- Provided however. cominencing on October 'I. 20D6, and annually <br />thereafter on ewh anni%vrsary date of the Lean, the amount payable by the Lessor to the <br />Lessee shall be f ftreflect changes4 Consumer i <br />Dallas/Ft. Worth MeRroplex Reglion 6 Bureau of Labor Statistics for each contract year. For <br />each )Var's adjustment. the CPl bw month used for cilculating each adjustment shall be <br />shallMarch of said )var. <br />4. Lessee 3 toLessoror orderR'the City Clerk. in the City orparis.Lamar <br />promptlyCounty. Texas, the above described and mentioned anntml payments when due strictly and <br />f derault or delay. <br />5. Any buildings. installations orimprovemenis ofany kind orcharactermada and erected upon <br />` ]easedpmperlyfi premises byLessee shall beandremainproperty <br />not attach! or• f A 4 ofrealtyand3 f byLessee removed at any timeprior <br />tothe expiration orothertermination of <br />*'Lesw shall ..-1 Snmy not assign / leased i 1. li premises or <br />any pan thereofWithouthavinghad and obtained <br />Body G`.. Pads. <br />7. Except as otherwise provided Lessee not or peirnit the use1 anypart of <br />