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MINUTES <br />N LM N STREET ADVISORY BOARD <br />Tuesday, June 9, 2020 <br />4:30 PM <br />Present: <br />Absent: <br />Glee Emmite, Chair <br />Laurie Redus <br />Carolyn Patterson <br />William Walker <br />John Brazile — via Zoom <br />Kaydee Tate — (Resignation has been accepted.) <br />Kari Daniel — via Zoom <br />Becky Semple — Chamber representative <br />Grayson Path — City Manager <br />Paula Portugal, Council Liaison <br />Cheri Bedford, Main Street Manager <br />1. Glee Emmite called the meeting to order at 4:40 PM, June 9, 2020, in the City Council chambers. Two members <br />were present in person. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, two members participated by Zoom, an internet meeting <br />platform. Four board members participated in the meeting. <br />2. Review and approve minutes — A motion to approve the May 2020 minutes was made by John Brazile, second by <br />Carolyn Patterson, motion carried. <br />3. Board member reports — Reports were tabled by the president. <br />4. Updates from Community Partners - <br />Becky Semple from the Chamber of Commerce —1) Ladies Pro Golf competition at Paris Golf & Country <br />Club with 85 young ladies playing is planned for June 19. Their packets will include downtown coupons for <br />shopping. 2) June 201 is the Red Neck Scramble for senior adults learning safety tips for riding their motorcycles. <br />3) The Eiffel Tower Roundup photo competition featuring downtown dollars gift certificates is in progress. 4) The <br />Red Ribbon Unity project continues until the stores can fully open again. The ribbons will be tied together as a <br />celebration on the Plaza at that time. 4) The ribbon cutting for Cottonwood Barn Venue (wedding venue) is <br />planned for June 18''. <br />Glee Emmite —1) HPC —No May meeting due to Covid-19. 2) PDA will meet June 101. The "shopper <br />receipts program" with the PDA merchants will have the drawing for downtown dollars on June 151'. <br />5. Coordinator's Report — Cheri Bedford reported the following. 1) Plaza beautification continues. 2) Two new <br />businesses downtown include Mustard Seed Boutique and a coffee shop/book store combination. 3) Walt Reep has <br />applied for a $2,500 facade grant for his new remodel on Clarksville St. It will contain four short term rentals on the <br />top floor, restaurant on the main floor and a speakeasy downstairs. 4) Rigby's Cigar Shop will likely open around <br />the first of the year. 5) Ten scholarships for the Destination Creation course are available. Glee Emmite reported <br />that the course was beneficial for her, and Walt Reep gained some great ideas from the course. 6) The Putt Putt <br />Golf Challenge will be held downtown June 26-27. All activities will be outside due to COVID-19. 7) Wine Fest <br />is rescheduled for September 19fi'. There will be a promotions meeting next week for detailed planning. 8) The <br />Plaza had trees added in May with additional landscaping planned for next week. <br />