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St9ccessoirs and U� <br />PTY arid CONSULTANT each lbaind thernselves airnd their successors, <br />euutoir , advninistrators andurn to the otl-nor party 'to this co n'Uur 'U an 'U <br />the successoirs, executors, admIIrflstirators and assigins of such other party UIQ <br />respect -to a11P covenants of this Contract. Neither crry nor � oiNs UP,,....,,,rANT shall <br />assigiri ollr transfer its Vrnt' Ir st herein without the prior written coriseirit of the <br />otti Ir. <br />i <br />, c ptt,:Irn f -the fire p plans by tl--w CITYshall not constitute inor The <br />deemed a release 'f 'the responsibility and PUabifity of CONSUIL,,,IAINT, Pt <br />employees, ii t agents or° corisultants for Ittie accuracy and competency <br />of their- designs, working drawings, specifications or other docurneirflz andIrk„rnor shall such acceptaince be deen--ied an assumption of resporssilbility by C11.,,,11 <br />for any defect in the ig n , wor°IkPIrn r° ' aiiu"ng „pecif catiorn or other <br />doct.virnents and work; nor shalP such acceptance The eerr'n an assurnption of <br />respons U ility I y CITY for any defect Prn the ig n ,i„)rkiiirn r lra uln „ <br />sl:)ecifications or other documents and Irk prepared by said II .".36 f,,,,,,,,,r, its <br />eml-)loyees, associates, agents or subconsultainlis„ <br />COINSUL.TAN"'r DOESIHERE[,3Y COVIIENA14"'llll AND colm r1IRAC,r T <br />WAIVE ANY ANDIII-L CLAIIIINS, I11:111; LIIESIE, UU 11I)111:m;i1II U'U '" , AN11D HOLD <br />I1°°111 ,II M LIIE ill'°UPS U -U°` , I i"S CITYU NC I L,F-11HI II I m 3, I I P III,,,,, O IE E S, AND <br />GEM`S, UN B0-11rH 71°"1I IIII UUP B111 111C ANDPRIVATE E PPS ITIES,PP:� IIIU U <br />FAUNS "'I All,,,,,IP,,,,,, PCU IIP U111„.U°' Y, CAUSES 01"W ACTION, CITAI"'IONS, CUL IIII d <br />w 1111IMA11'4III , P111: ESPINES, JUDGMENTS, I1,,„ OSSES, <br />IN.III s IV� SUITS, <br />WHICH 111114 ANY WAY ARIIISE OUT OF, PPS"IIS" 111°, <br />OR RESUL„,I FIROM U 1I1,,,,,iU'” I ,,,r s IIE R I:::" U UUUU PI E III .„J IN D II , IU THIS <br />coliq "RAC°'IIP„ AND W11H11101--i , AR111::E ! EIBY THE III IUB 1„ E 110114AL P U UP°„ ULA 111,,,,,, <br />ACTe OR NEGLIGENT AC 111"S 01111U U U F' COINSUIL°'I"' NT 011IR <br />CONSUL'I'AN,,,1"' U BCO "I'RAC7 ORS AND IU°IU°'UPU' OFFICEIRS, AGENTS OR <br />EMPIL.OYEES OF P rrilU°uE-111 COINSIXII.JAN"'I OR S U L°U INT' <br />S UIBCON 111`1111ACT U (Til $ "UU III PIU 11 'UPP9IIP) IU"'lIrEI ") SUBJEC"'UP- TO rHII[ <br />'TEXASLlivi <br />CIVIL III I TEXAS PI,,,,,, L PE U U UI E uT E 271 . UIQ <br />TU IIliiiiP ANDMEDIEIPS, §130.002(113). <br />BY WAY F EXAMI„IL , TH111::;i 1I4DE11MIY1F11II1r.:'111ID DI"'PU"'EMS MAY IPI CIII,,,,UD <br />1:,)ERS01114AL INJURY RY ,N DEATI°'III CI..AI1WS ANDPPIU10PP III "'III "°" MAG <br />AirdhfteoA,urW / I orngUineedrig Services Contract <br />(Hayter I onginieering) Page 7 of 16 <br />