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The Council should consider this specific request relative to the surrounding land uses and the <br />comprehensive plan. A zoning change for this property alone does not appear to be consistent <br />with the long term goals of the city as outlined in the future land use plan. <br />At the regularly scheduled Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on July 6"', city staff <br />recommended denial of this zoning change in order to uphold the city's long range plan for land <br />use along this major thoroughfare. After presentations by the owner/applicant, her legal <br />representative, and the current tenant in support of this zoning change, the Planning & Zoning <br />Commission voted to recommend approval by a vote of 5-1. <br />RECOMMENDATION: Consider the request for a zoning change from General Retail District <br />(GR) to Single Family Dwelling District (SF -2) as presented by the staff and the P&Z Commission. <br />