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(1) Issue in the name of the city- council notices of hearings requesting the attendance and <br />testimony of witnesses and the production of any evidence relevant to any matter involved <br />in such hearings; <br />(2) Conduct the hearing; <br />(3) Deliver a transcript of the hearing and his recommendation to the city council for action <br />thereon. <br />(c) After the city council has reviewed the evidence, it may issue an order to the user responsible <br />for the discharge directing that, following a specified time period, the sewer service or water <br />service may be discontinued unless adequate treatment facilities, devices or other related <br />appurtenances are properly operated. Further orders and directives as are necessary and <br />appropriate may be issued. <br />Sec. 34-85. - Fees and charges due to violations. <br />(a) The city may recover all reasonable costs of repairing damages to the POTW, of sampling, <br />analysis, inspection, cleanup, costs of paying fines or penalties which result from a discharge <br />not in compliance with this article, and any other costs incurred by the city in controlling <br />discharges in violation of this article. <br />(b) Billing for recovery of such costs shall be by letter to the discharger, sent certified or registered <br />mail, (return receipt requested), which states the specific violation(s), the damages and <br />penalties sustained by the city, the costs of those damages and penalties, and the costs the city <br />has determined as attributable to the discharge and billed to the discharger. <br />(c) The costs are due and payable by the discharger upon receipt of the letter. Nonpayment or <br />disputes regarding the amount within ten (10) days shall be cause for termination of water <br />and/or wastewater service. It shall be unlawful for anyone but an authorized city employee to <br />reconnect service. Any reconnection fees in effect are applicable. <br />Sec. 34-86. - Surcharges. <br />(a) The city will accept BODS of up to two hundred fifty (250) mg/1 and TSS of up to two hundred <br />fifty (250) mg/1 as normal domestic wastewater. The city may elect to accept BODS and TSS <br />in excess of two hundred fifty (250) mg/l. BODS and TSS over the value of two hundred fifty <br />(250) mg/1 shall be subject to an excessive strength surcharge. These surcharges shall be <br />calculated on a monthly basis using metered wastewater contribution as a volume factor, if <br />provided by the user, or one hundred (100) percent of water usage. A surcharge may also be <br />levied on ammonia concentrations over thirty (30) mg/l. <br />(b) The total fat, oil, and grease allowed by this article is one hundred (100) mg/1, whether free or <br />emulsified. When this parameter is determined on a grab sample, any amount over the <br />Page 27 of 45 <br />