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PEDC Board Meeting Minutes <br />July 21, 2020 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />Josh Bray stated that for 41 years he has been a Paris resident and his family has been in Paris for four or five <br />generations. He went to say that it is a real honor to serve on the Board, and feels that this is one of the most <br />important boards in the city because if we don't have jobs we have nothing. Mr. Bray is a past chairman of the Lamar <br />County Chamber of Commerce. He is looking forward to moving the PEDC projects forward. <br />Chase Coleman stated that he was born and raised in Paris; and he came back to the community 3 years ago to start a <br />family. He wants to see Paris prosper and feels that the PEDC is the key to that prosperity. He is looking forward to <br />serving Paris and Lamar County. <br />Ms. Bills asked to make a motion to switch the item order of item #5 and item #6. She stated that the nomination of a <br />City Councilor should come before the election of officers. Dr. Hashmi seconded the motion. Vote was 6 -ayes to 0 - <br />nays. <br />Election of Officers <br />Ms. Bills came back to this item to elect officers. Dr. Hashmi made a motion for Mr. Bray to be Chairman. Ms. Bills <br />seconded the motion. Vote was 6 -ayes to 0 -nays. <br />Mr. Bray asked for a motion for Vice-chairman. Dr. Hashmi made a motion for Ms. Bills to continue as Vice - <br />Chairman. Mr. Pankaj seconded the motion. Vote was 6 -ayes to 0 -nays. <br />Mr. Bray asked for a motion for Secretary/Treasurer. Dr. Hashmi made a motion for Mr. Pankaj to continue as <br />Secretary/Treasurer. Ms. Bills seconded the motion. Vote was 6 -ayes to 0 -nays. <br />Discuss and ossibl nominate one Cit °Councilor to add to the Board. <br />Mr. Fendley made a motion to nominate Paula Portugal, City Councilor, to serve on the Board. She has been serving <br />as the City Council Liaison for several years. Mr. Bray seconded the motion. Vote was 4 -ayes to 2 -nays. The nays <br />were Dr. Hashmi and Ms. Bills. <br />Recognition of Outgoing oin Board Members. <br />Ms. Bills spoke to the outgoing Board members, Marion Hamill and Tim Hernandez. She stated how much both were <br />appreciated for the work they have done. The Board will miss both of them and the contributions they have made will <br />have a lasting effect. Mr. Pankaj said it is an awesome responsibility to have the opportunity to be appointed by the <br />City Council to represent the City. This Board takes the responsibility very seriously; Mr. Hamill and Mr. Hernandez <br />have been through a lot of hard times with the PEDC Board. He thanked both of them for the work they have done <br />and the talents they shared with the Board. Dr. Hashmi thanked Mr. Hernandez and Mr. Hamill for the fabulous job <br />they did. He mentioned that he and Mr. Hamill disagreed on many items, but having those diverse opinions helped <br />the Board. Mr. Bray stated that those leaving the Board left it much better than they found it. He mentioned <br />American SpiralWeld coming to Paris and what a win it is to Paris. <br />Discuss and ossibl a rove Minutes of the June 12 2020 S ecial Meetin the June 16 2020 Monthl <br />Meetin � and the June 26 2020 S �ecial Meetin . <br />Dr. Hashmi made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Pankaj seconded the motion. Vote was 6 -ayes to <br />0 -nays. <br />Discuss and Qossibiv a . rove June 2020 Financials. <br />Mr. Pankaj pointed to some of the items; The PACE Group was paid $15,031.00 for services to recruit a new <br />executive director, the Hommel Law Firm was paid $25,000.00 for the settlement with previous executive director, <br />Brush Tech was paid $76,375.00 for land clearing, and Turner Industries was paid $200,000.00 in incentives. The <br />