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AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING <br />CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS <br />107 EAST KAUFMAN STREET <br />PARIS, TEXAS <br />THURSDAY September 17 2020 5.30 P.M. <br />AGENDA <br />1. Call meeting to order. <br />2. Citizens' input. <br />3. Approve minutes from August 20, 2020 regular meeting. <br />4. Receive FBO report. <br />5. Discuss and act on a ground lease agreement with David Erwin. <br />6. Review, discuss, and make recommendations for hangar rental rates. <br />7. Receive a report on the RAMP program status for FY 19-20. <br />8. Review, discuss, and make recommendations for the 10 -Year RAMP Plan and Airport CIP <br />Plan. <br />9. Discuss CARES ACT grant status. <br />10. Discuss the status of the taxiway extension project. <br />11. Review and discuss the annual calendar for the Airport Advisory Board. <br />12. Items for future agenda. <br />13. Adjournment. <br />POSTED: MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 14., 2020 at1,.."f A.M., CITY HALL BULLETIN <br />_............................. ..................................._............................................................._............................_....................�................................................................................_.................................................v <br />BOARD <br />.�M <br />BY. <br />WITNESS: <br />