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09/16/2020 Minutes
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09/16/2020 Minutes
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Present <br />Chris Dux, Chairman <br />Matt Coyle, Vice Chairman <br />Randy Hider, Secretary <br />Laura Caffey <br />Glee Emmite <br />Linda Vandiver <br />Cheri Bedford, Staff <br />Linda Knox, Council Liaison <br />MEETINGMINTUES, <br />am, <br />SEPTEMBER 16,2020 <br />Absent <br />Guests: <br />Rick Werstein <br />David Thrasher <br />1. Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. <br />2. The meeting minutes of the August 12, 2020 were approved by acclamation. <br />3. Discussion and Possible Action on the following Certificates of Appropriateness <br />A. Mr. Thrasher presented photos of the house located at 937 South Main, explaining the <br />house is not worth the cost of rehabilitation, stating that the cost of repair was more <br />than the value. Commissioner Dux asked the Mr. Thrasher if he would be able to <br />salvage the windows or any other historic fabric. Commissioner Caffey said she would <br />help assist with the window removal. A motion was made to approve the demolition by <br />Commissioner Coyle, and seconded by Commissioner Vandiver. Motion carried. <br />B. 562 SW 1' ST. Mr Werstein reported the condition of the house was very deteriorated. <br />There are two trees on the north side that he believes are keeping the house from <br />falling. The house has rotated on its foundation approximately 8 inches, and he has <br />presently stabilized the home. He stated that he had considered demolition of the home <br />due to its condition, however decided to rehabilitate it and get it back into service, <br />hoping improve the neighborhood instead of having a vacant lot. He stated he also <br />owns the house next door and would like to improve it someday. <br />Chairman Dux opened the floor for comments on the Certificate of Appropriateness. <br />He then expressed his only concern with the COA presented is the request for <br />replacement vinyl window. Chairman Dux clarified vinyl materials are not currently <br />listed as an appropriate replacement in the City of Paris Design Standards for the <br />Historic District. Mr Werstein stated that he wanted to clarify there were different <br />types of vinyl windows and the ones he was using were put in expensive homes. <br />Chairman Dux reviewed the different types of materials that are currently in the <br />Design Standards for the Historic District, and vinyl wasn't on the list at all, so the <br />commission could not consider it as an appropriate replacement. Discussion included <br />
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