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1. A review the Minor Certificates of Appropriateness with the commission. <br />2. An update was given on the virtual Imagine the Possibilities tour launching on Sept. <br />2s, 2020 <br />3. A review of the Certificate of Appropriateness Form. Commissioner Vandiver noted a <br />change in wording under window description that will be addressed. <br />4. Draft survey for the Historic Districts arrived shortly before the meeting and she <br />would be reviewing it with the consultants this week. <br />5. Lighting on the plaza <br />Commissioner Dux was reelected as Chairman, Commissioner Hider was reelected as secretary. <br />Two nominations were made for Vice -Chair with a tie vote for each nominee. The Commission <br />will select a Vice -Chair at the next meeting. <br />For a future agenda items, it was recommended that a subcommittee be formed to assist with the <br />uploading the information on the, and other outreach efforts. <br />The commission adjourned at 5:19 p.m. <br />Approved this Z day of '2020 <br />