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Regular Council Meeting <br />October 12, 2020 <br />Page 2 <br />5. Approve minutes from the meeting on September 28, 2020. <br />6. Receive reports and/or minutes from the following boards and commissions: <br />a. Historic Preservation Commission (8-12-2020 & 9-16-2020) <br />b. Planning & Zoning Commission (9-8-2020) <br />7. Approve an Airport Ground Lease Agreement with Larry David Ervin, for construction <br />of a new airplane hangar at Cox Field Airport. <br />Regular A Benda <br />8. Receive presentation regarding the Texas Police Chief's Best Practice Re -Recognition. <br />Interim Police Chief_ Randy Tuttle said the police department was first recognized in <br />2012 as a Best Practices Department, and this would be the third time the department had <br />received the�recognition.�, Chief Tuttle explained the process of obtaining -this recognition, and <br />said they had to, apply every four years: <br />Council Member Pilgrim arrived to the meeting at 5:34 p.m. <br />9. Discuss and act on an Agreement for Professional Services with the Texas Police Chief s <br />Association for assistance, with the search for a',new police chief-, and authorize the City <br />Manager oto execute all necessary documents. <br />City Manager Grayson Path,,said the police chief was a high:profile position, and that he <br />would like to work with the Texas Police ,Chief's Association in'this process. He said the total <br />expense was not to exceed:.$6,000.00.._..Council Member Savage inquired as to whenAhe actual <br />search would begin. Mr. Path explained that they hope to begin advertising the position in two <br />weeks and it would be a nationwide search. Mr. Path said the ad would be up for approximately <br />four weeks. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Knox and seconded by <br />Council Member Portugal. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />10. Discuss and act on a request to financially assist Paris Independent School District using <br />CRF Program Funding; and authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary <br />documents. <br />Mr. Path said the City had been awarded almost 1.4 million dollars in CRF funding. He <br />also said that the three school districts had reached out a month ago to request help with purchase <br />of equipment for distance learning for their students. Mr. Path said the third party administrator <br />Charles Edwards with Resource Management was there to answer any questions. Mr. Edwards <br />explained at the current time, the City had expenses of approximately $200,000 to $300,000 and <br />expected additional expenses of about $200,000 by the end of the month. Mr. Edwards said they <br />