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Regular Council Meeting <br />September 25, 2017 <br />Page 5 <br />said she would like to review all of the City's plans, including a comprehensive plan if there was <br />one. Council Member Knox said her particular area of interest was neighborhood revitalization, <br />including getting something done on houses before they have to be torn down. Council Member <br />Trenado said he would also like to do something to revitalize neighborhoods, more specifically <br />work with a builder to fix up some houses or build houses. Council Member Portugal said she <br />like the idea of a work session and they needed goal setting and team building. She referenced a <br />third party facilitator similar to what school districts do. She said if Mr. Godwin was the <br />facilitator and they were doing his evaluation and they didn't like what it said it might affect his <br />evaluation. Mayor Clifford asked the Council about the dates and Council Member Drake said <br />she did not think they could do what needed to be done in an evening and suggested a Saturday <br />work session. Council Member Portugal agreed with Council Member Drake. After discussing <br />several dates, it was a consensus of City Council for staff to e-mail to them several possible dates <br />on a Saturday. <br />17. Consider and approve future events for City Council and/or City Staff pursuant to <br />Resolution No. 2004-081. <br />Mayor Clifford said they had an upcoming ballot initiative and the City typically sent out <br />a mailer to voters explaining what the initiative is about, but without taking sides. Mayor <br />Clifford asked that Mr. Godwin prepare a mailer for the Council to review and vote on at their <br />next meeting. Council Member Drake reminded everyone about the upcoming fair. <br />18. Adjournment. <br />There being no further business, a Motion to adjourn was made by Mayor Clifford and <br />was seconded by Council Members Drake and Knox. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. The <br />meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m. <br />,,,umluun, <br />a. .CITYp'�Ar <br />1 ► �' <br />NICE E]C,LIS, CP�Y`�' ' <br />Q� rr <br />ry 7 <br />STEL °�J. CLIFFORD, M.D., MAYOR <br />