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<br />whi ch serve to estab Ii sh, interpret, or cl arify perfo"llance requi rements <br />under this contract. Such policy directives shall be promulgated by the <br />Director of the Texas Community Development Program in the form of TRRP <br />issuances, shall have the effect of qualifying the terms of this contract and <br />shall be binding upon Contractor, as if written herein, provided however that <br />said policy directives and any amendments to said Manual shall not alter the <br />terms of this contract so as to release Department of any obligation <br />specified in Section 4 of this contract to reimburse costs incurred by <br />Contractor prior to the effective date of said amendments or policy <br />directives. <br /> <br />C. Any alterations, additions, or deletions to the terms of this contract <br />which are required by changes in Federal or state law or regulations are <br />automatically incorporated into this contract without written amendment <br />hereto, and shall become effective on the date designated by such law or <br />regulation. <br /> <br />SECTION 17. <br /> <br />SUSPENSIDN <br /> <br />Notwithstanding the provisions of Texas Civil Statutes, Article 601f, in the <br />event that Contractor fails to comply with any term of this contract, <br />'Department may, upon written notification to Contractor, suspend this con- <br />tract in whole or in part and prohibit Contractor from incurring additional <br />obligations of funds under this contract. Upon suspension of this contract <br />by Department, Department may cause further payments to Contractor to be <br />withheld by placing a stop payment order with HUD. A stop payment order <br />-'p1 aced pursuant- to this sect i on shall continue in full force .and effect unt 11 <br />such time as Department determines that the.delinquent obligations for which <br />funds are withheld are fulfilled by Contractor. <br /> <br />SECTION 18. <br /> <br />TERMINATION <br /> <br />A. Department shall have the right to terminate this contract, in whole or <br />in part, at any time before the date of completion specified in Section 2 of <br />this contract whenever Department determines that Contractor has failed to <br />comply with any term of this contract. Department shall notify Contractor in <br />writing prior to the fifteenth (15th) day preceding the date of termination <br />of such determination; the reasons for such termination; the effective date <br />of such termination; and in the case of partial termination, the portion of <br />the contract to be terminated. <br /> <br />B. Either of the parties to this contract shall have the right to terminate <br />this contract, in whole or in part, when both parties agree that the continu- <br />ation of the activities funded under this contract would not produce benefi- <br />cial results conunensurate with the further expenditure of funds; provided <br />that both parties agree, in writing, upon the termination conditions, includ- <br />ing the effective date of such termination; and in the case of partial termi- <br />nation, the portion of the contract to be terminated. <br /> <br />C. Upon termination or receipt of notice to terminate, whichever occurs <br />first, Contractor shall cancel, withdraw, or otherwise terminate any out- <br />standing orders or subcontracts related to the performance of this contract <br />or the part of this contract to be terminated, and shall cease to incur costs <br />thereunder. Department shall not be liable to Contractor or to Contractor's <br />creditors for costs incurred after termination of this contract. <br /> <br />PAGE 8 OF 11 <br />