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<br />EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />DESCRIPTION OF ENTERPRISE ZONE <br /> <br />BEGINNING at the intersection of the centerline of N. <br />Main Street with the centerline of Stone Avenue'proj.ected to <br />the West; . . <br />THENCE Southerly with the centerline of N. Main Street <br />and the centerline of S. Main to its intersection with the <br />centerline of Hearne Street; <br />THENCE Easterly with the centerline of Hearne Street to <br />its intersection with the centerline of Church Street; <br />THENCE Southerly with the centerline of Church Street <br />to its intersection with a linp. that is 600 feet south of <br />and parallel to the centerline of the outside lane of Loop <br />286; <br />THENCE Westerly with a line that is 600 feet South of <br />and parallp.l to the ceneerline of the outside lane of Loop <br />206 to its intersection with the centerline of the Atchison, <br />Tupeka and Sanea Fe Railroad; <br />THENCE Suuthwesterly with the centerline of the A.T. & <br />S.R. Railroad to its intersection with the centerline of <br />Cottonwood Branch; <br />THENCE Northerly with <br />Branch to ies intersection <br />Missouri-Pacific Railroad; <br />THENCE Easterly with the centerline of the Missouri- <br />Pacific Railroad to its intersection with a line that is 600 <br />feet west of and parallel to the centerline of the outside <br />lane of Loop 286; <br />THENCE Northwesterly, Northerly and Northeasterly with <br />a line that is 600 feet from and parallel to the centerline <br />of the outside lane of Loop 286 to its intersection with the <br />West Boundary Line of a 26.326 acre tract purchased by <br />Campb~ll Soup Company from Smith; <br />THENCE North 0 Degrees 24 Minutes East with the West <br />Boundary Line of said Smith tract 475 feet, more or less, to <br />a point, said point being in the South Boundary Line of a 6 <br />acre tract purchased by Campbell Soup Company from IIolleYI <br />THENCE South 89 Degrees 30 Minutes East, a distance of <br />3B9 feet with said Holley South Boundary Line to the South- <br />east Corner of said Holley tract; <br />THENCE North 1 Degree East a distance of l229.6 feet to <br />the most .\iesterly Northwest Corner of a 35.532 acre tract <br />purchased by Campbell Soup Company from Council; <br />THENCE North 89 Degrees 30 Minutes Ea~t 577 feet to an <br />ell cortler in said 35.532 acre tract; <br />THENCE North 0 Degrees 15 Minutes East l014.2 feet to <br />the most Northerly Northwest corner of said 35.532 acre <br />Council tract; <br />THENCE East 3,043 feet, more or less, to a point in the <br />centerline of the Burlington-Northern Railroad; <br />THENCE Southerly with the centerline of the Burlington- <br />Northern Railroad to its intersection with the Westward <br />projection of the centerline of Stone Avenue; <br />THENCE Easterly with the Westward projection of the <br />centerline of Scone Avenue co ehe ceneerline of N. Main <br />Stre~t and th~ place of beginning, and coneaining 9.3 square <br />miles. <br /> <br />the centerline of Cottonwood <br />wieh the centerline of the <br />