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location with the approval of the Entity and at the Entity's expense. <br />As Early Voting Clerk, the Elections Administrator shall receive applications for early <br />voting ballots to be voted by mail in accordance with Chapters 31 and 86 of the Texas Election <br />Code. Any requests for early voting ballots to be voted by mail received by the Entity shall be <br />forwarded immediately to the Elections Administrator for processing. Persons voting by mail <br />will send their marked ballots to the Elections Administrator's Office. <br />The Elections Administrator will be responsible for payment to all parties who have <br />provided services, supplies and voting locations for the election. A contracting Entity shall not <br />be liable to any third party by default of the Elections Administrator's Office in connection with <br />holding the election, including failure by Lamar County or its Elections Administrator's Office <br />to pay for services, supplies and voting locations for this election. <br />Dates for early voting will be for two (2), twelve (12) hour days and five (5), nine (9) <br />hour days. For the May 1, 2021 General Election, the two (2), twelve (12) hour days for <br />earl r voting will be conducted on April 19, 2021 and April 20, 2021. The five (5), nine (9) <br />hour days for g#Llj, voting will be conducted April 21, April 22, April 23, April 26, and <br />April 27, 2021. <br />VII. EARLY VOTING BALLOT BOARD <br />An Early Voting Ballot Board shall be created to process early voting results from the <br />Entity's election. The Elections Administrator shall appoint the Presiding Judge of the Early <br />Voting Ballot Board. The Presiding Judge, with the assistance of the Elections Administrator, <br />shall appoint two or more additional members to constitute the Early Voting Ballot Board <br />members to efficiently process the early voting ballots. <br />VIII. CENTRAL COUNTING STATION AND ELECTION RETURNS <br />The Elections Administrator shall be responsible for establishing and operating the <br />central counting station to receive and tabulate the voted ballots in accordance with the <br />provisions of the Texas Election Code and of this Contract. <br />The Entity hereby appoints the following central counting station officials in accordance <br />with Sections 127.002 and 127.005 of the Texas Election Code: <br />Counting Station Manager: Tricia Johnson, Elections Administrator <br />Tabulation Supervisor: Tricia Johnson, Elections Administrator <br />Presiding Judge: Tricia Johnson, Elections Administrator <br />The Elections Administrator or his representative shall deliver timely cumulative reports <br />of the election results as precincts report to the central counting station and are tabulated. The <br />Election Administrator shall be responsible for providing cumulative totals and precinct returns <br />from the election to the Entity, prior to releasing the information to the candidates, press, or <br />general public, by distribution of hard copies at the Central Counting Station or electronic <br />4 <br />