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At the time of the July 27th City Council meeting, the City was pursuing a low interest loan with <br />the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB). The goal was for this low interest loan to be <br />secured and then the City Manager could sign the Agreement Amendment with Garver to proceed <br />with design. The concern was making sure the City could cash flow the expenses associated with <br />designing the WWTP Project in preparation for bid. The backup option was to pursue traditional <br />long term financing via Certificates of Obligation (COs). Both of these options were favorable <br />given the very low interest rates we were seeing. <br />STATUS OF ISSUE: <br />TDWB: The TWDB continues to experience long delays with their process, which they state is <br />due in combination because of CoVid-19, having received a large number of requests, and <br />concerns about their ability to meet future obligations. We finally received word in September <br />that the City's WWTP scored 90th out of 99 projects. At the time, there still appeared to be more <br />available funding than total request, so we were hopeful that a low interest loan was still available. <br />Nevertheless, the process continued to be delayed as we attempted to work with the TWDB. <br />In late November, the TWDB came out with some drastic changes to their program. In short, <br />timelines were extended well into 2021, the total available funding for all projects was slashed, <br />the cap per project was dropped, and they stated their intention to no longer fund projects over <br />multiple years. Given our ranking, the size of our project, and our needed timeline, every change <br />they made fatally impacted our proposal. On top of this, while these months continued to pass by, <br />the TWDB's interest rates continued to creep upwards, slowly eliminating the advantage of the <br />loan over traditional bonding. <br />Next Steps: Throughout all of this time, City Staff worked very closely with representatives of <br />Garver, SAMCO Capital (financial advisers), McCall, Parkhurst & Horton LLP (bond counsel), <br />and NewGen Strategies & Solutions, LLC (rate consultants) to carefully examine all possible <br />options we have. This group heavily vetted several options for phasing the WWTP, phasing CO <br />options, possibly pursuing TWDB loans as part of future phases, and phasing in rate increases. At <br />the conclusion of this, we have developed a new plan of action to present to the City Council <br />tonight. This is not an action item as there are no actions to be taken, but rather if the City Council <br />is agreeable with this plan, City Staff will bring back to the Council several action items at the <br />February 8, 2021 City Council meeting. <br />With every option the City Staff examined, we kept two focuses in mind: 1) Completing the <br />WWTP Renovation Project and 2) Financial impact to the rate payers. Significant rate increases <br />cannot be avoided as part of this project. Garver was tasked with finding alternative funding <br />options, but none have turned up, particularly given the size and scope of our project. It cannot be <br />