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<br />APPLICATION TO THE FEL <br />SAFEKEEPING <br /> <br />, RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS FOR THE <br /> <br />-ING OF SECURITIES IN JOINT <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the undersigned Depository has been duly and legal1y designated. and has done alllhillgs and performed all acts ncccssnry to qU:l.lify as the public <br />depository of the runds of the undersigned Depositor; and . <br />WHEREAS. to secure the funds deposited with it, the Depository has. in accordance with law, pledged with the Depositor the {ollowing securities: <br /> <br />PAR VALUE <br /> <br />DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />U.S. TREASURY NOTES 8 1/2 NOTE SER U-91 <br />Federal Home Loan Bank Bonds-Cusip #3133B8RE2 <br /> <br />3,100,000.00 <br />3,170,000.00 <br /> <br />tIn the above space give complete description of securities offered for joint safekeeping. H this space is not $uUicicnt. continue description on reverSe side <br />hereoO and <br />WHEREAS. o~hcr and llddilional securities may be pledged by the Depository with the Depositor at some (uture time: and <br />WHEHEAS. other and additional securities may be pledged by the Depository with the Depositor at some future time: and <br />WHEREAS. both the Depositor and Depository desire and hereby request that the Federal Reserve Dank or Dallas accept the securities above described. or <br />any hereo.fter tendered, to be held by it or converted to book entry securities (or the joint account of the Depositor and Depository in accordance with the provisions <br />of Bulldin 7 of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. <br />NOW. THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, and as an inducement to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas to hold in joint safekeeping the above <br />described securities or any other additional or substituted securities whieh may hereafter be tendered to it. it is agreed. by and between the Uepo!litor and <br />Uepository for lhe benefit of themselves and of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas should it agree to act in the capacity requested. as (allows: <br />1. The agreement o[ the Federal Reserve Bank o[ Dallas to ad under this application in the capacity requested shall be evidenced by the issu:ance of its Joint <br />Sdckeeping Receipt. [or definitive securities or Advice or Transaction for book entry securities, and it is understood and agreed that such receipt or advice shall he <br />subject to the terms and conditions hereinaller set oul. <br />2. The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas shall ad only as a bailee. It shall give lhe securities hereinabove described. or any t:lken in substitution therefor or in <br />addition thereto. the SlIme care lhat it gives to its own property of like kind, but otherwise it sh:lll be liable only for its own neKliKence. <br />3. The Federal Reserve Bank o[ Dallas need not maintain any form of insurance (or the accounl of the Depositor and/or Depository on the securitie:> placed <br />with it under this agreement. The Depositor and Depository shall earry for their own account such insurance as they deem necess:\Cy or desirable. <br />4. Substitutions may be made for any of the above described securities. or any additional securities which m<lY be tendered or accepted. or lor securities which <br />have been previously subsliLUled under the lerms of this paragraph, upon the request ofthe Depository. subject to the approval or the Depositor. Such substituted or <br />additional securities sh311 be subject to the terms and conditions or this agreement and Bulletin 7. <br />5. The securities above described. or any additional securities which m3Y be tendered and accepted. or taken in substitution therdor shan be surrendered <br />upon the request of lhe Depository, subject to the approval of the Depositor. <br />6. The Federal Reserve Bank o[ Dallas shall In no manner be responsible for the genuineness. negotiability, acceptability. or eligibility or the securities <br />delivered to it under this application. Its only responsibility is to hold or surrender or convert to book entry such securities as may be delivered to it. in accordance <br />with lhis agreement. <br />7. The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas is authorized to dip the maturing interest coupons on the definitive securities which it holds under this agreementl\nd <br />deliver them or credit lheir proceeds under advice to the reserve account or the Depository unless other instructions are issued in writing by the Depositor. Interest <br />payments on book entry securities will be credited under advice to the reserve account aU he Depository on the interest due date unless other in!ltructions arc issued <br />in writing by the Depositor. <br />8. The Federal Reserve Bank or Dallas is authorized to act upon instruction given by an authorized person of the Depository whose signnture is on file with thc <br />Federal Reserve Bank. The signature of the Depositor is that aHixed lo Joint Safekeeping Signature Card ISEC.2101 on !ile with the Fcder:tl Iteserve Bank. nnd the <br />s:lid Federal ReServe Bank is aulhoriud to act upon instruction or approval given by such authorized person whenever such instruction or approval is necessary <br />under this agreement. H there should be a successor to anyone authoriz.ed to ad [or the Depositor or Depository named herein before the {ull delivery or all securities <br />covered by any Joint Safekeeping Receipt and/or Advice of Transaction issued upon this application. includin,lt substitutions. it shall be the duty of !lllid Depositor IIr <br />Uepository to certify the name and signature of such successor or successors to the Federal Reserve Bank o[ Uallas. and thereafter s:\id lI:\nk shall be authorb:(!d to <br />act upon instructions [rom such person to the same extent as under instructions of the persons named herein. <br />g. The terms nnd conditions enumerated herein shall supplement and be in addition to those set forth in Bulletin 7 of the Feder:lI He"ervc U:lnk of Dalllls, and <br />the parties hereto expressly agree to act in accordance with the terms and conditions of said Bulletin 7. <br />10. The Governing Body referred toin this instrument is The City Council of . tli.e City of Paris. Paris. Texas <br />and SOlid body, by proper rcsolution spread upon its minuteS, fully authorized the execution or this agrcement by the Deposilor. <br />IN WITNESS WBEREOF, this agreement is executed in Triplicate. II copy being intended for the Depositor. the Deposilory, and the federnllte!!ierve lIank or <br /> <br />Dnllas. on this the <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />d.y or MARCH <br /> <br />19~. <br /> <br />NCNB Texas National Bank-Paris Banking Center <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />Depository <br /> <br />This is to certify that the above and (ore going application wu duly considered by the Governing Body nl\.mcd in the :lpplication at a meeting properly held on <br /> <br />the 8th day or MaY , 19~ II. quorum being present. and that said Governing Body dul~ authorb..ed and ordered <br />the application to be executed and complied with. 311 of which, logether with a copy of this applic<ltion, fully appears in the minutes of s<lid meeting. <br /> <br />N'\.~;), <:,:,~'. -- ~\\.l'N\) <br />Secre tary or Clerk <br />Mattie Cunningham, City Clerk <br /> <br />(SEAL) <br /> <br />SEe-'20 (Rev.6.84J <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A <br />
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