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<br />4. P"',:,,:'::,,,:-,::"-: :</'3::i :;lQ'/i~"/S. <br /> <br />A. Exec~~ive agencies are ,encouraged to perform re'/ie':,s of their gra~:- <br />ees' prcc~rement systems if a ccntinuing relationshi~ with tee <br />Grantee is anticipated or a substantial amount of the Federal assis:- <br />ance is to be used for procurement and review of individual Contracts <br />is antici~ated. The purpose of the review shall be to determire: <br />(I) whether a Grantee's procurement syste~ mee~s the standards pre- <br />scribed by this At~achment or other criteria acceptable to the OF?? , <br />such as provisions of the model procurement code for State and local <br />goverrment and (2) whether the Grantee's procurement system should be <br />cercified by the re'/iewing agency. Such a revie'lI will also give an <br />agency an opportunity to give technical assistance to a Grantee to <br />remedy its procurement system if it does not fully comply. In addi- <br />tion, such a review may provide a basis for deciding whether the <br />Grantee's contracts and related procurement documents should be <br />subject to the Grantor's prior approval, as provided by Section 6. <br /> <br />B. In conducting procurement system reviews, Grantor Agencies will eval- <br />uate a Grantee's procure~ent system in terms of whether it camplies <br />I~ith the standards prescribed by this Attachment and represents a <br />fair, efficient and effective procurement system. To the minimum <br />extent feasible, revie':lers' will rely upon State or local evaluations <br />and analyses performed by agencies or organizations independent of <br />the Grantee contracting activity. <br /> <br />C. ,,'hen a Federal Grantor Agency campI etes a procurement review, 1t <br />shall furnish a report to the Grantee, with a copy to OF?P. <br /> <br />D. All agencies should normally rely upon the resultant findings or cer- <br />tification for a periOd of 24 months before another review is <br />perfomed. <br /> <br />E. Re'/ie'tls shall be conducted in accordance with standards and guide- <br />lines approved or issued by OFPP. <br /> <br />F. The revie~'ls authorized by Section 6 are waived if a Grantee's pro- <br />cure~ent system is certified. ' <br /> <br />5. Protest P,~cedures. <br /> <br />Grantor agencies may develop an administrative procedure to handle cc~- <br />plaints or protests regarding Grantee contractor selection actions. The <br />procedure shall be limited as follows: <br /> <br />A. No protest shall be accepted by the Grantor Agency until all adr.lin- <br />istrative remedies at the Grantee level have been exhausted. <br /> <br />O. Reviel'/ is limited to: <br /> <br />1. Violations of Federal law or regulations. Violations of State or <br />local la\'1 shall be under the juriSdiction of State or local auth- <br />orities. <br /> <br />2. Violations of Grantee's protcst proccdurcs or failurc to rcview a <br />ccr.1plaint or protest. <br />