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city would neW to be done through the budget proms. Jim Bell requests information on <br />potential, for using leftDVCr funding. <br />8 Review, discuss, and make recommendations for hangar rental rates. <br />Jenylkitcheyv:resented a chart and states drat contacts had recently been signed bypresent <br />occupants and do include a 1.5% annual escalator. Ritchey states that demand is high for <br />bi=garl rental. The board feels that it is not prepared to offer recommendations for rental <br />rates. Jim Bell moves to table the motion until data can be gathered about hangar rates from <br />=economically comparable cities: Zack Ebbs seconds. 7be motion passes 40. <br />9. Discuss runway development opportunities. <br />Jim Bell recommends studying the successes of Gainesville airport and seeing how the <br />strategies that led to those maybe applied to Cox Field. Bell speaks on thâ–ºe potential for the <br />Red River Navigation Project <br />10. Items for future agendas <br />Follow up on "AirWrt Development Opportunitieel, Annual Agenda Items <br />