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08 - Garver Engineering Agreement Contract Amendment #1 for Wastewater Plan Project
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February 8
08 - Garver Engineering Agreement Contract Amendment #1 for Wastewater Plan Project
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During the final design phase of the project, Garver will conduct final designs to prepare construction <br />plans and specifications for two (2) construction contracts, including final construction details and <br />quantities, special provisions, and opinion of probable construction cost. These will be developed in <br />accordance with the phasing plan detailed at the introduction of this scope. <br />Garver will perform the following project coordination tasks: <br />• Advise Owner as to the necessity of Owner providing data or services that are not part of <br />Garver's Basic Services. <br />• Maintain an overall schedule for the project and routinely advise the Owner of critical path items <br />affecting project progress versus schedule. <br />• Maintain and monitor project budget and submit monthly invoices based on progress of work <br />to date. <br />• Conduct eight teleconference progress meetings with Owner's staff. <br />• Provide an agenda in advance of all scheduled meetings and provide subsequent meeting <br />minutes. <br />The final design phase is anticipated to have three major submittals for both phases: a 60%, 90%, and <br />100%. For the project bidding, the following applies: <br />• Garver will include (2) designed deductive alternates to provide award flexibility to match with <br />available project funding. <br />• Multiple design scenarios or bid packages aside from the Phase 2 Bid Package and/or pre - <br />purchased equipment packages are not includedas part of the level of effort provided with this <br />Agreement. <br />The Contract Documents will consist of drawings and specifications that set forth requirements for <br />construction of the improvements, and shall include proposal forms, notice to bidders, bid forms, bond <br />forms, and other information as required by Owner to competitively bid the work. <br />Garver and the TWDB's standard contract forms including documents from the Engineers Joint Contract <br />Documents Committee (EJCDC) will be used, along with Garver's standard drawing format and <br />technical specifications. Garver will utilize the TWDB and Engineers Joint Council Documents <br />Committee (EJCDC) standard documents as a base for developing the project's front end documents. <br />EJCDC's standard General Conditions shall be utilized with edits being provided by the Supplemental <br />Conditions. Standard forms, as required by the funding source, will be incorporated. <br />Garver will review potential construction sequencing and the overall approach to project implementation <br />to minimize disruption of the WWTP operation during construction of the two identified phases. This <br />review will occur at the DesignSubmittal Workshops. <br />During final design, Garver will host an O&M workshop at the WWTP to solicit input from staff onthe <br />final design documents. <br />Garver will lead a review workshop for the two (2) final design phases: 60% and 90%. These <br />workshops will be held in Garver's Frisco, Texas office to solicit comments and feedback from the <br />Owner. <br />The Process Control and SCADA workshop will be a component module of the 60% Design <br />Workshop. The purpose of these module will be to coordinate the Owner's desired method and <br />level of process control and remote operation capabilities. <br />The Preliminary Design Workshop module will include an overview of the current and proposed <br />SCADA system architecture along with a basis of design for expected improvements. The Owner's IT <br />Appendix A - Scope of Services 5 of 9 <br />City of Paris WWTP Improvements <br />
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