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Phase 1— Establishing the framework for a local PACE Program <br />Phase 1 includes four primary statutory requirements for a local county or municipality to <br />establish the framework for a PACE program within its jurisdiction. The Texas statute code <br />requires a report to be published for the public and posted on the municipality's website. This <br />report outlines the primary facets of the local program, application process, financing guidelines, <br />and other big -picture and administrative items pertinent to running a PACE program. Next, the <br />statute requires two resolutions to be adopted by the local county or municipality, including a <br />resolution of intent to create a PACE program, and a resolution to establish the PACE program. <br />After the resolution of intent is adopted, the statute requires the governmental body to hold a <br />public hearing on the proposed program and report. After the public hearing, the governmental <br />body passes the second resolution, the resolution to establish the PACE Program. <br />1. Public PACE Report (Required by Section 399.009) <br />— Report by local government describing the PACE program once structure has <br />been decided. This report must be made available for public inspection on the <br />local government's website and at the office of designated official. <br />2. Resolution of Intent to Create PACE Program (Required by Section 399.008(a)(1)) <br />— Include finding that projects will serve a valid purpose, local government intends <br />to make contractual assessments to repay financings, description of project and <br />map boundaries, reference to the Public PACE Report, statement of the time and <br />place for a public hearing. <br />3. Public Hearing (Required by Section 399.008(a)(2)) <br />— Public may comment on proposed program and report. <br />4. Resolution to Establish Program (Required by Section 399.008(a)(3)) <br />— This resolution should include each item in the Public PACE Report required by <br />statute, or it may incorporate the Report by reference; this resolution should also <br />include a description of each aspect of the program that may be amended only <br />after another public hearing is held. <br />Phase 2 — Set up administration of the local PACE Program <br />The PACE Program can be administered in one of several ways: (1) via the local government <br />itself, (2) by implementing a program jointly with another local government, or (3) by contract <br />with a third -party administrator. Administration of the program would include the application <br />process, application review, and possible servicing functions also. <br />The administration process will include the requirements of Section 399.009(a)(9)-(11) and (15)- <br />(16) of the LGC: (9) description of the application process and eligibility requirements for <br />financing qualified projects to be repaid through contractual assessments under the program; (10) <br />the method described below for ensuring that property owners requesting to participate in the <br />