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Regular Council Meeting <br />February 22, 2021 <br />Page 5 <br />City Manager Grayson Path explained that every year the City contracts with non-profit <br />organizations that apply to the City seeking funding for public purpose projects. He reported that <br />in the past the City Manager had overseen this process, and that he would like for City Council <br />to consider taking over that process of making determinations as to which non-profit <br />organization should be funded. Mr. Path said he had developed a draft Policy incorporating and <br />editing the existing Application and Contract, which was in their agenda packet. <br />Mr. Path reviewed the Policy with City Council, which included a cap funding of <br />$100,000.00 with an additional $5,000.00 of alleviated excess if found necessary. He said the <br />total awarded in FY20/21 was $91,250.00 excluding the Paris Metro annual contribution of <br />$25,000.00 and the Paris -Lamar County Health District annual contribution of $75,000.00, <br />which he was recommending be excluded from the policy given the relationship the City has <br />with these entities. Mr. Path outlined the parameters, the process of approval, the ranking <br />scorecard, the application, and the agreement. <br />Mayor Clifford said he liked this process a lot and expressed appreciation to Mr. Path for <br />bringing this forward. Mayor Clifford said it gives City Council the opportunity to review and <br />rank the organizations and he especially liked the requirement of having a summary. Council <br />Member Hughes said he also liked this a lot. Council Member Portugal said she also liked this <br />detailed process because these funds belonged to the taxpayers. <br />19. Discuss and act on a request from Samantha Hughes to waive her rent at the Event Center <br />until May 2021, as related to Covid-19. <br />Ms. Ellis said she had contacted Ms. Hughes about the required insurance and had not <br />received it as of yet but hoped to by the next Council meeting. Mayor Clifford inquired if staff <br />wanted to table this item, and Ms. Ellis answered in the affirmative. A Motion to table this item <br />to the next City Council meeting was made by Council Member Pilgrim and seconded by <br />Council Member Knox. Motion carried, 6 ayes ® 0 nays. <br />20. Received Report required by the Texas Local Government Code Section 399.009 for <br />proposed the City of Paris, Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program and <br />discuss and possibly approve RESOLUTION NO. 2021-007: A RESOLUTION OF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS EVIDENCING THE CITY'S <br />INTENT TO ESTABLISH A PACE PROGRAM FOR THE CITY; MAKING OTHER <br />FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING <br />AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />City Attorney, Stephanie Harris said that of the four phases for the Paris Lakes Project, <br />they were discussing the first two steps of phase one in particular. She also said the first step <br />consisted of the Public PACE Report which would be posted on the City's website and available <br />in the City Clerk's office for the public. The second step was to pass a Resolution of Intent of <br />Create a PACE Program. <br />