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Item No. 8 <br />TO: Mayor & City Council <br />Grayson Path, City Manager <br />FROM: Gene Anderson, Finance Director <br />SUBJECT: ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF <br />OBLIGATION TO FINANCE THE CONSTRUCTION OF A <br />WASTEWATER PLANT <br />DATE: April 12, 2021 <br />BACKGROUND: On January 25, 2021 the City Council heard a project update from Garver <br />Engineering. Also discussed were the necessity of issuing long term debt to construct the plant and <br />the sewer rate increase necessary to pay for the required debt issue. On February 8, 2021 the City <br />Council adopted a resolution that notice of intent to issue certificates of obligations to finance <br />construction of a waste water treatment plant be posted as required by law and published in a <br />newspaper as required by law. <br />STATUS OF ISSUE: In order to issue certificates of obligation to construct the new wastewater <br />plant, the Council must now conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance authorizing the <br />issuance and sale of certificates of obligation backed by both property taxes and sewer revenues. <br />Only sewer revenues will be used to pay the debt, but the City will receive a better interest rate by <br />pledging both revenue sources to pay the debt. This ordinance will also formally engage our bond <br />council (Dan Culver of McCall Parkhurst & Horton LLP), approve the Official Statement (a <br />document which explains the purpose and other details about the certificates of obligation and <br />provides financial information about the City). The ordinance also approves the bank paying agent <br />which will keep track of the ownership of the certificates and make payments to those owners at <br />the appropriate time. <br />BUDGET: A new construction fund and a new Interest & Sinking Fund will be established to <br />handle the expenditure of the CO proceeds and to make the required debt payments. <br />RECOMMENDATION: Move to adopt an ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of the <br />City of Paris, Texas Combination Tax and Surplus Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2021 <br />and approving all matters incident thereto. <br />