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<br />desired compaction, the backfill materials shall be moistened or <br />aerated as required. <br /> <br />.!" <br />Trenches shall not be excessively wet and shall not cOntain' pools <br />of water during backfilling operations. The trench shall be completely <br />backfilled and tamped level with the adjacent surface, except that when <br />sod is to be placed over the trench, the backfilling shall be stopped <br />at a depth equal to the thickness of the sod to be used with proper <br />allowance for settlement. Any excess excavated material shall be <br />removed and disposed of in accordance with instructions issued by the <br />Engineer. <br /> <br />3.6 Restoration. Where sod has been removed, it shall be replaced as <br />soon as possible after the backfilling is completed. All areas <br />disturbed by the trenching, storing of dirt, cable laying, pad <br />construction, and other work shall be restored to it's original <br />condition. The restoration shall include any necessary topsoi1ing, <br />fertilizing, seeding, sodding, sprigging or mulching. The Contractor <br />shall be held responsible for maintaining all distrubed surfaces and <br />replacements until final acceptance. <br /> <br />3.7 Cable Markers. The location of runway light circuits shall be <br />marked by a concrete slab marker two feet square and 4 inches thick <br />extending approximately one inch above the surface. Each cable run <br />from the line of runway lights to the equipment vault shall also be <br />marked at approximately every 200 feet along the cable run. All other <br />cable buried directly in the earth shall be marked in the same manner. <br />The Contractor shall not install slab markers where cable lies in <br />straight 1 ines between obstruction 1 ight poles which are spaced 300 <br />feet apart or less. Cable markers shall be installed immediately above <br />the cable. The Contractor shall impress the word "Cable" and <br />directional arrows on each cable marking slab. The letters shall be <br />approximately 4 inches high and 3 inches wide, with width of stroke 1/2 <br />inch and 1/4 inch deep. <br /> <br />The location of each underground cable connection, except at <br />lighting units or insulating transformers, shall be marked by a <br />concrete marker slab placed above the connection. The Contractor shall <br />impress the word "SPLICE" on each slab. He also shall impress <br />additional circuit identification symbols on each slab if so desired by <br />the Engi neer. <br /> <br />3.8 Splicing. Connections of the type shown in the plans shall be <br />made by experienced personnel reqularly engaged in this type of work <br />and shall be made as follows: <br /> <br />., <br />a) Cast Splices... Not to be Used. <br /> <br />b) Vulcanized Splices...Not to be Used. <br /> <br />c) Field" Attached Plug-In Splices. These shall be assembled in <br />accordance with manufacturer's instructions. These spl ices shall be <br />made by plugging directly into mating connectors. In all cases, the <br />joint where the connectors come together shall be wrapped with at least <br />