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<br />M AN
<br />MINUTES 01-f'.F'ebruaty] 6, 202.1
<br />Preset) t at tke Mee I ing V I A Z( )ON11/111 I (Af-l":
<br />TK I laynes . Chairman ofthe Board of'Commissmiers (Zoom)
<br />Jenn
<br />yWilson Vice Chairman ofthe Board ofCoinailssioners (Zooin)
<br />Shatara Moore III MIN]Cr Of1he fim'lrd of
<br />Sally Ruthm-t Becutive Director
<br />Kin -i Cox Paris News (Zoon) audio only)
<br />I - Meeting Called to order at 12-30 pin on'J'uesd,,.iy, Fehrmiry 16, 202l by, Chairman ofthe Board
<br />ofCommissioners, T. K, I fiaynes.
<br />2. 1 having three Roard Metribers present, a quorum,, Mr, I faynes thanked and welcortied everyone
<br />to the meeting.
<br />3. Cilizens," Fortan Opened and closed with no one present to speak.
<br />4. Approval ofthe Mintacs fr(mn December 17, 2020 meeting, Minutes ol'the meeting were,
<br />,approved with as motion made [)y Ms. Wilson and seconded by Mr. I faynes, Passed 3-0,
<br />6, NLW BUSINESS:
<br />Occupancy Report - Public I [OLISillg has 4 vacancies ,iiid I unit has been oM'red and Section 8
<br />Inas 288 eurrentassisted vouchers and (S peoplo, with vouchers searching f'(.,)r units. The Section 8
<br />Waiting tAst Inis 61 people on it,
<br />h. Financial Repod was discussed and reporled to the l3oard vvilh bank staternents and graphs, liar
<br />PI I and Section 8, Ending bank, statemcm b�alanees forhmivary 2021 -1 "LlbliC I 10LISing -
<br />$43,"1., 59.00
<br />$43,"1,759.00 Section 8 - $555,278,72,
<br />e, Annual Inspections t6r PUblic I fousing lurve been waived by HUD this year due to COVU),
<br />d. Maintenance Supervisor,Thomas Scott, has elected to retire. Ile has been replaced by Irvin
<br />Hickson wh(,-was as lbriner Mairiteriance Mech,,.uric here at the Pl W His position has been posted.
<br />7. ISI-,"~ OLI FHONS:
<br />2020-004 Disposition of old appliances
<br />Motion made by Ms. Wilson and seconded by Ms, Moore,, Motion passed 3-0.
<br />2020-005 t, J tj I i ty A I lo wa t i ces,
<br />Motion inade by N/Is. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Haynes. Mo(jon 1-mssed 3-0.
<br />& Mr. Haynes asked the onmIlssioners il'ariything needed to Inc; added to the next agenda. After
<br />no one replied, Mr. Haynes asked for as inotion for adJourninent. The motion was made by Mr.
<br />Haynes and seconded by Ms. Moore. Motion passed 3-0. Ific meeting was ad.journed at, 1: 19 pim
<br />