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ii. Premises/Operations: <br />iii. Actions of Independent Contractors; <br />iv. Products/Completed Operations to be maintained for one year. Final completion <br />and acceptance of the work, with evidence of same filed with owner. <br />V. Contractual Liability including protection for the Contractor from claims arising <br />out of liability assumed under this contract; <br />vi. Personal Injury Liability including coverage for offenses related to employment; <br />vii. Explosion, Collapse, or Underground (XCU) hazards; if applicable. Coverage <br />required for any and all work involving drilling, excavation, etc. <br />2.1.2 Business Automobile Liability including coverage for any owned, hired, or non -owned <br />motor vehicles and automobile contractual liability. <br />2.1.3 Workers' Compensation - statutory benefits as required by the State of Texas, or other laws <br />as required by labor union agreements, including Employers' Liability coverage. <br />2.2 Owner's Protective Liability Insurance: <br />In addition to the insurance described above, the Contractor shall obtain, pay for and <br />maintain at all times during the prosecution of the work under the contract, an owner's <br />protective liability insurance policy naming the Owner and Engineer as insured for <br />property damage and bodily injury, including death, which may arise in the prosecution <br />of the work or Contractor's operation under this contract. Coverage shall be on an <br />"occurrence" basis, and the policy shall be issued by the same insurance company that <br />carries the Contractor's liability insurance. <br />Limits of liability shall be as follows: <br />Bodily Injury $500,000 each occurrence <br />Property Damage $500,000 each occurrence <br />