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Paris—Lamar County Health District <br />400 West Sherman Street, Paris, Texas 75460-5646 <br />Health District: (903) 785-4561 and Fax: (903) 737-0978 <br />Women, Infant and Children (WIC): (903) 784-1411 and Fax: (903) 784-1442 <br /> <br />Paris -Lamar County Board of Health Regular Meeting <br />The Paris -Lamar County Board of Health held a regular session on Tuesday, February 16th, 2021. <br />See the following chart for board members in attendance and not in attendance. <br />Board Member's Name - <br />In Attendance <br />Not in Attendance <br />Ms. Susan Bellene <br />X <br />Dr. Jay Carpenter <br />X <br />Ms. Mitzie Pirtle <br />X <br />Dr. Russell Putnam <br />X <br />Ms. Nancy Stallings <br />X <br />Dr. Marc White, Chairman <br />X <br />Dr. Ross Williams <br />X <br />Others in Attendance were - <br />Gina Prestridge, Executive Director <br />X <br />Cheryl King, Administrative Assistant <br />X <br />1. Convene into Open Session <br />• Dr. Marc White called the meeting to order in open session at 5:33 p.m. <br />2. Approval of Minutes from prior meeting(s). <br />• Approval of 01-19-2021 minutes was postponed until the next meeting and will be reviewed along with the 02/16/2021 minutes <br />and approved along with any necessary corrections. <br />3. Discuss and possible act on: <br />• COVID-19 Updates — discussed that Paris -Lamar County Health District has been named a HUB and would be receiving <br />approximately 1,000 doses of vaccine each week. Clinics set up for Fridays but could be more days depending on how much <br />vaccine is received. <br />• P1 Variant Issues — Gina Prestridge told the board about potential P1 Variant that she was notified of about 3 weeks ago. <br />Case was sent to Austin for their investigation. <br />• Local Funding Application for COVID activities — Gina Prestridge told board about local funding opportunities that she <br />applied for regarding Covid expenditures. Funding through a foundation associated with First Federal Community Bank. <br />• Dr. Putnam, Dr. Carpenter and Nancy Stallings mentioned giving Gina Prestridge a Hazard Pay Bonus for the yearlong <br />work spent on Covid-19 activities. The board agreed to a 20% bonus on Gina's gross salary this past year. Nancy <br />Stallings made the motion and was seconded by Dr. Jay Carpenter to give Gina Prestridge a 20% bonus. Motion carried. <br />6 yays, 0 nays. <br />• Health District Departmental Updates — Gina Prestridge gave department updates stating despite COVID, it was normal <br />business for all other departments. <br />Paris - Lamar County Board of Health Members <br />Chairman - Dr. Marc White (2015-2019,2019-2022=Fi-1) Vice -Chairman - Dr Jay Carpenter tz­ 2021,2021-202—i-1) Secretary - Susan Bellene (2019-2022,2022-2025=Fiva1) <br />Nancy Stallings tzo15-zoi ,zo1>3-2021=Fi..I) Dr. Ross Williams (2019-2020, 2020-2023= i-1) Mitzie Pirtle (2020 2023,2023-2025= i-1) Dr. Walker Putnam (2020 2023,2023-2025= i-1) <br />