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MINUTES <br />MAIN STREET ADVISORY BOARD <br />Tuesday, ,April 13, 2021 <br />4:30 PM <br />Present: Absent: <br />William Walker Emily Temple <br />Carolyn Patterson <br />Glee Emmite Paula Portugal, Council Liaison <br />Tyrone Hayden Becky Semple — Chamberrepresentative <br />Tannerpobrovolsky <br />Kari Daniel <br />Cheri Bedford, Main Street Manager <br />L. William Walker called the meeting to order at 4:37 PM, April 13, 2021, in the City Council chambers. <br />2. Citizens Forum - There was no one present to speak. <br />3. Review and approve minutes —A motion to approve the March 10, 2021 minutes was made by Tanner <br />Dobrovolsky, second by Glee Emmite, motion carried. <br />4. Board memberreports-1) Tannerpobrovolsky reported that he emailed the Keep Paris Beautiful contact person <br />about 2 weeks ago regarding plantings around the Plaza. No response has been received. 2) Glee Emmite reported <br />( that she and Will Walker took photos of the various murals around downtown. Eight beautifulpictures with <br />`�. descriptions of each will be added to the Distrx app. The form erbusiness at 116 Clarksville (bat's Da Cut Barber <br />Shop) has closed and will have a new tenant soon. The Distrx app needs to reflect this change. This weekend the <br />Clydesdale horses and wagon will be in downtown Paris 10 AM - 2 PM, April 17th to encourage people to come <br />downtown. Rides in the wagon will be available from 12 PM - 2 PM for 15 minute tours around the Plaza area. 3) <br />Glee reported on HPC activities. The HPC board worked with the owners of Rigsby's to replace the materials in the <br />parapet with bricks that look like sandstone in order to emulate the original materials that are no longer available. <br />5. CoordinatorReport— The following topics were discussed by Cheri Bedford. 1) Texas Main Street has a <br />resource library with various information. Main Street 101 training is a general overview of the program, and it is <br />recommended that the board look at the main topics. 2) This week is the virtual NationalMain Street meeting. 3) <br />The Farmer's Market spring season will begin in 2.5 weeks. The winter season (November —April) was very <br />successful. 4) Preservation Consulting Group has been working with Cheri to get the resource survey digitized and <br />online. All properties will be available to view. The project should be completed by the end of September. 5) A <br />window restoration workshop has been scheduled for May 15 th. A company from Ft Worth will be in Paris to lead a <br />hands-on restoration process. 6)Adatewill be set soon for an Imagination the Possibilities tourofdowntownto <br />showcase underutilized properties to interested persons. Properties for sale or lease are listed in <br />provided by the Texas Historical Commission. 7) The Work Plan needs to be updated based on the 4 Main Street <br />points: <br />a)Economic Vitality of the community -William Walker <br />b) Promotions that drawpeople to the downtown area - led by Emily <br />c) Organization which gets groups together and promotes Main Street —led by Tanner& Tyrone <br />d) Design which is covered by HPC. Glee will be the HPC coordinatorwith assistance from Kari. <br />8) Kari Daniel mentioned that the area around the Plaza fountain gets slick from water splashing. Cheriwill relay <br />this information to the Parks Department fora possible solution. <br />6. Downtown Walking Tour — The board participated in a walking tour around downtown to review recent progress <br />t? on the buildings for updatingMain Street goals. The board returned to the council chambers to comment on <br />`""'' observations and adjourn. <br />