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<br />NOTICE OF SALE ~'IRST DRAFT July 7, 1988 <br />AND <br />BIDDING INSTRUCTIONS <br />ON <br />S5 000 000 <br />CITV OF'rARls, TEXAS <br />(Laur Countvl <br />WATERWORrs AND SANITARV SEWER SVSTEM <br />PRIOR LIEN REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 19BB .!' <br />SELLING: August 22, 19BB at 3:00 P.M., C.D.T. ,- , '/0 - G V- H <br />" <br />THE CIIV WILL DESIGNATE THESE BONDS AS 'TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS' <br />IN THE ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE BONOS. <br /> <br />!onds Offered for Sale at Co~etitive Bi~diDq: The City Council of Ihe Cily of Paris Counly, Texas (Ihe 'City') is <br />offering for saTi!lr.i~~f its-iraterwor{s & Sanitary SeNer Syste. Prior Lien Revenue ~onds, Series 19BB, INhich shall for <br />purpose of definition include the 'Initial Bond' and Ihe 'Definitive Bonds'l, as further described in Ihe Official Slatelent <br />Nhich acco.panies these instructions. <br /> <br />Address of Bids: Sealed bids, plainly a.rked 'Bid for Bonds', are invited 10 be subaitted and should be addressed and <br />delivered to "'Honorable Eric S. Clifford, Nayor, Cily of Paris, Texas, City Hall, 135 First Street, S.L, Paris, Texas, 75,4bO, <br />prior 10 3:00 o'clock P.N.,C,D.T., Augusl 22, 19~B. Bids lusl be suoailled on Ihe Official Bid Fora, Nilhoul alleralion or <br />interlineation. <br /> <br />Place and Tiae of Bid O~!nq: The Cily Council Nill cause the bids for Ihe purchase of the Bonds 10 be opened and publicly <br />read, In Ihe Clly C.uiiC11 Roo., City lIall, Paris, Texas at 3.00 P.N., C.S.L,AugusI22.19BB; checked for accuracy, tabulaled <br />and presenled 10 Ihe City Louncll for its consideration al a special session 01 Ihe C.uncil to convene al 5.15 o'clock <br />P.N.,C.D.T., Nonday, Augusl 22, 19BB. The Council Nill al thai liae lake aclion to aNard the Bonds to the bidder offering the <br />10Nest net effective interest cost to Ihe City (or reject all bids), and adopt an ordinance authorizing the b.nds and approving <br />the Official SIateaenl. <br /> <br />ANard of Bond, I,"ediately afler the .pening of Ihe bids and the confir.ation of the bid offering Ihe 10Nest net effeclive <br />Interest cost to Ihe Cily, Ihe City CounCil Nill take aclion to aNard Ihe Bonds (or reject all bldsl, and adopt a resolution <br />a.ardinl sale of Ihe Bonds and approving the Official SIaleaent. <br /> <br />THE BONDS <br /> <br />Description: The Bonds Nill be dated Septe.ber 1,19BB, and inleresl Nill be due on March I, 19B9 and each Sepleaber I and <br />Narch 1 thereafler until the earlier of .aturily or prior redeaplion. The Bonds Nill be issued in tully regislered fora, only, <br />in any integral aultiple of S5,000 Nithin a aaturity and principal and seaiannual interesl Nill be paid by the Paying <br />Agent/Registrar, initially the First RepublicBank ~allas N.A., Dallas, Texas. Principal of the Bonds Nill be payable to the <br />regislered holder or ONner at aalurity or earlier redeaption only upon presenlalion at the principal corporate office of the <br />raying Agent/Regislrar. Inleresl on Ihe Bonds Nill be payable by check, daled as of Ihe interest payaenl dale, and aailed by <br />Ihe Paying Agent/Registrar to the registered holders as shoNn on the securily regisler of Ihe PaYing Agenl/Regislrar on Ihe <br />Record O.te. (See 'Record Date for Inlerest Pay~ent' in Ihe Official State.ent) or by such other aethod acceptable to the <br />Paying Agent Registrar, requested bl' and al the risk and expense of the holder. If the date f.r Ihe payaenl of Ihe principal <br />~f or inleresl ~n the Bonds shal be a Salurday, Sunday, a legal holiday, or a day on Nhich banking inslitutions in Ihe Cily <br />Nhere the raying Agent/Registrar is located are authorized by IaN or execullve order to close, Ihen the date for such payaenl <br />shall be the next succeeding day Nhich is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or day on Nhich banking institutions are <br />aulhorized 10 close; and payaent on such date shall have the saae force and effect as if aade on the original dale payaent Nas <br />due. <br /> <br />The Bonds Nill aature on Septe~ber 1 in each of the years as folloNS: <br /> <br />Principal Principal <br />Vear Aaount Vear Aaount <br />Tm' r7J,000 1m mQ,O"OO <br />1990 S 90,000 2000 $245,000 <br />1991 S 110,000 2001 mo,ooo <br />1992 . 125,000 2002 S275,OOO <br />1993 S 140,000 2003 $290,000 <br />1m S 155,000 2004' HOO,OOO <br />1995 . 170,000 2005' mo,ooo <br />199b S IB5,OOO 200b' sm,ooo <br />1997 . 200,000 2007' $410,000 <br />199B S 215,000 200B' S500,OOO <br /> <br />OPTION. The Cily reserves Ihe right, at its option, 10 redeel Bonds .aluring on and after Septe.ber I, 2004, in Nhole or in <br />part In principal aaounts of .5 000 or any integral aultiple thereof land if Nithin a Maturity by lot by the Paying <br />Agenl/Reglstrar), on Sepleaber I, 2003, or on any interesl payaenl dale Ihereafter, at the par value thereof plus accrued <br />interesl to Ihe dale fixed for redeapllon. (See Official Stale.ent for procedure for 'Exercise of Rede.plion Option', <br />'Seleclion of Bonds for Redelpti.n' and 'Nolice of Rede.plion'). <br /> <br />Source of Pataent: These Bonds to be aulhorized by ordinance adopted by the City Council of the City of Paris, Texas, on <br />August 22,19BB,-rii accordance Nilh Ihe provisions of Articles 23bBa & Articles 1111 el.seq.,V.A.LC.S., 1925 as ..ended, are in <br />the opinion 0 B~nd Counsel, special ~bligati.ns of the Cily of Paris, Texas, payable as 10 principal and inlerest fro. a first <br />and prior lien on the Net Revenues of the City's coabined WalerNorks and Sanitary SeNer srsle. (' Srstea'l. The Cily has <br />~utstanding issues .f revenue bonds and cerlificates of obligation payable fr.. subordinate iens and p edge of the revenues of <br />Ihe 'Systea' (identified and defined in Ihe Ordinancel. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A <br />