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the congruency of the property. Commissioner Dux asked if this was the only one story <br />structure, and Mrs. Norment explained the height is the same as the garage. The setback <br />were approved by the city officials. Mrs. Norment went over the materials and verified <br />they would be repurposed from a former structure that was on the property but was torn <br />down. Same brick as on the original house. Same colors painted as on the original house <br />and the same shingles. Commissioner Caffey noted the main house was all about gables, <br />and had concerns that the hipped roof didn't speak the same language as the original <br />house, when it comes to the street view. Commissioner Caffey asked about getting <br />something over the entry door to give it the appearance of a gable roof. Mrs. Norment <br />said she didn't want to spend unnecessarily. Commissioner Vandiver noted the window <br />in the drawing on the Brame street side didn't have the same detailing as the rest of the <br />house, to which Mrs. Norment said the window was going to actually be a window type <br />garage door, but when individuals are looking through the existing opening on the west <br />side in the fence, the only thing that will be seen is backyard. With no further discussion, <br />Chairman Dux called for a motion. <br />Commissioner Long made the motion that the pool accessory building is congruent with <br />the neighborhood in height, massing, setbacks, architectural detailing, fenestration and <br />proportions with respect to the design standards, Commissioner Coyle seconded the <br />motion. Motion carried 6-1 with Vice Chairman Caffey dissenting. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Vandiver to grant a certificate of appropriateness <br />for the construction of a pool accessory structure as presented at 606 Church Street. <br />Motion seconded by Commissioner Caffey. Motion carried 7-0 <br />d. 136 Grand Ave, selective demo on front fagade to reveal original windows configuration. <br />Ms Gilliam gave a brief description on the project and their desire to restore the front of <br />the property to the early 1900 fagade. In doing so the owners would want to remove a <br />small portion of brick to see if there is any historic material underneath the fagade, and <br />develop a game plan on either to begin full restoration after discovery phase. Chairman <br />Dux asked the commission if they had any questions for the applicant. <br />Commissioner Matthews made the motion that the investigative demo is congruent with <br />the design standards. Seconded by Commissioner Caffey. Motion Carried 7 -0 <br />Commissioner Vandiver to grant the certificate of appropriateness for selective <br />demolition for the purpose of discovery to see what is existing beneath the existing infill <br />and to develop a plan for rehabilitation. Motion was seconded by Commissioner <br />Matthews, Motion Carried. <br />e. 111 Lamar Ave, Front facade: addition of outdoor counter. <br />The applicant withdrew the application to remodel the front fagade for further discussion. <br />Rear fagade of 111 Lamar Ave. Chairman Dux clarified the height of the windows next to <br />the door. Each commissioner reviewed the height, materials to be used, fenestration <br />proportions and appurtenant feathers and fixtures. Commissioner Caffey asked to be <br />clear on the lining up of the doors heights in respect to the windows. The vertical <br />alignment of the wooden panel above the door and the entry doors be congruent. <br />Commissioner Caffey made the motion that the rear entries are congruent in materials, <br />height, massing, and that the kickplate on the doors and tops of the windows hold a <br />vertical alignment. Motion seconded by Commission Emmite, Motion carried 7 — 0 <br />