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MODEL STAFF REPORT REGARDING ONCOR'S DISTRIBUTION <br />COST RECOVERY FACTOR FILING <br />On April 8, 2021, Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC ("Oncor" or "Company") filed <br />an Application for Approval to Amend its Distribution Cost Recovery Factor ("DCRF") to <br />Increase Distribution Rates with each of the cities in their service area. In the filing, the <br />Company asserts that it is seeking an increase in total distribution revenue requirement by <br />approximately $97,826,277. <br />The resolution authorizes the City to join with the Steering Committee of Cities Served <br />by Oncor ("OCSC") to evaluate the filing, determine whether the filing complies with law, and if <br />lawful, to determine what further strategy, including settlement, to pursue. <br />Pur ose of the Resolution: <br />The purpose of the Resolution is to deny the DCRF application proposed by Oncor. <br />Explanation of "Be It Resolved" Paragraphs: <br />1. This section authorizes the City to participate with OCSC as a party in the <br />Company's DCRF filing, PUC Docket No. 51996. <br />2. This section authorizes the hiring of Lloyd Gosselink and consultants to review <br />the filing, negotiate with the Company, and make recommendations to the City regarding <br />reasonable rates. Additionally, it authorizes OCSC to direct any necessary administrative <br />proceedings or court litigation associated with an appeal of this application filed with the PUC. <br />3. This paragraph finds that the Company's application is unreasonable and should <br />be denied. <br />4. This section states that the Company's current rates shall not be changed. <br />5. The Company will reimburse Cities for their reasonable rate case expenses. Legal <br />counsel and consultants approved by OCSC will submit monthly invoices that will be forwarded <br />to Oncor for reimbursement. <br />6. This section recites that the Resolution was passed at a meeting that was open to <br />the public and that the consideration of the Resolution was properly noticed. <br />7. This section provides that Oncor and counsel for OCSC will be notified of the <br />City's action by sending a copy of the approved and signed Resolution to counsel. <br />1 <br />