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MINUTES <br />MAIN STREET ADVISORY BOARD <br />Tuesday. M�l2021 <br />4:30 PM <br />Present: Absent: <br />William Walker Tanner Dobrovolsky <br />Carolyn Patterson Kari Daniel <br />Glee Emmite <br />Tyrone Hayden Paula Portugal, Council Liaison <br />Emily Temple Becky Semple — Chamber representative <br />Cheri Bedford, Main Street Manager <br />MINUTES <br />1. William Walker called the meeting to order at 4:37 PM, May 11, 2021, in the City Council chambers. <br />2. Citizens Forum - There was no one present to speak. <br />3. Review and approve minutes — A motion to approve the April 13, 2021 minutes was made by Glee Emmite, <br />second by Emily Temple, motion carried. <br />4. Board member reports — 1) Emily Temple reported that she and Cheri Bedford met with a group of people <br />representing downtown. The group agreed to combine all downtown events through Main Street. Also, Paris Baby <br />will sponsor the outside posterboard at PCT when no upcoming performances are posted. This will improve the <br />appearance of the front of the theater. 2) Glee Emmite reported that she attended the downtown meeting mentioned <br />above and then gave updates on PDA. The visit of the Clydesdale horses and carriage rides were very successful. <br />Proceeds were donated to Keep Paris Beautiful. The margarita even was successful in downtown. Head Over Heels <br />won the Best Margarita contest, and a gift basket was given away to the lucky shopper. Regarding HPC, a new roof <br />repair was approved for the former Parish Hall at Holy Cross Episcopal Church now being used as the <br />administrative building. A new pool house construction was approved at Church Street and Brame St. The owner <br />of 136 Grand Ave requested a Certificate of Appropriateness to expose the original fagade of the building. A new <br />business, Downtown Coffee, is coming to 111 Lamar including an outdoor counter. A back entrance is being added <br />as well. HPC is going to create FaceBook and Instagram pages. June 191 will be the Imagine the Possibilities Tour. <br />May 15' will be the window restoration workshop. Glee is also working on a history of the murals in the downtown <br />area. 3) William Walker reported on a Distrx app promotion. A virtual tour of downtown can be created with a <br />narrative added. Emily Temple suggested that a Distrx meeting should be planned to introduce business owners to <br />the app and explain how to use the app to promote their businesses including sales and coupons. Tentatively, the <br />meeting will be planned for May 251 or May 261. <br />5. Coordinator's Report — The following topics were discussed by Cheri Bedford. 1) There is $1,500 in the BIG <br />fund with grants to be given possibly in July. 2) Wine Fest will be considered for the 2nd weekend of November <br />featuring business open house during the day and Wine Fest in the evening. 3) Mini Golf is scheduled for July 9-10. <br />4) Cheri would like a group of volunteers to participate in a walk around downtown to develop ideas to improve <br />curb appeal. The group would look at plants, street banners, planters, etc. around the plaza and down the side <br />streets. 5) PDA is considering a kiosk. 6) A tree trimming workshop is scheduled for May 22nd, 9 AM - noon. 7) <br />The HPC meeting is May 121. 8) The quarterly reports for Main Street are due July IOd'. The June Main Street <br />board meeting will focus on reviewing the reports before submission. <br />6. With no other business, Glee Emmite made a motion to adjourn, second by Emily Temple, motion carried. The <br />meeting was adjourned at 5:13 PM. <br />