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MINUTES <br />WIN STREET ADVISORY BOARD <br />Tuesday, June S, 2021 <br />4:30 PM <br />Present: Absent: <br />William Walker Tanner Dobrovolsky <br />Kari Daniel <br />Glee Emmite <br />Tyrone Hayden <br />Emily Temple <br />Cheri Bedford, Main Street Manager <br />Paula Portugal, Mayor <br />Andrew Mack, Director of Planning and Community Development <br />MINUTES <br />1. William Walker called the meeting to order at 4:37 PM, May 11, 2021, in the City Council chambers. <br />2. Citizens Forum- Cheri Bedford introduced Andrew Mack, Director of Planning and Community Development. <br />Mr. Mack gave a brief introduction of himself and department. <br />3. A motion was made to approve the minutes of the May 11, 2021 by Glee Emmite and seconded by Emily <br />Temple, motion carried <br />4. Board member reports: <br />Emily Temple gave an update on promotions and events; <br />The downtown attended the Red Bull event to promote the downtown with a booth set up. Future plans will be to set <br />up a banner and promote the Distrx App. <br />The Promo committee met on May 26 to help businesses get their information up and running on Distrx app who <br />may be struggling. Another meeting will be schedule for businesses who were unable to attend. <br />PDA will be hosting an Independence Day celebration on Saturday July 3. Plans are to hosting a beer walk and bike <br />raffle. <br />Downtown Mini Golf will be held on August 13 & 14. <br />Will Walker and Glee are working on Mural tour on Distrx. <br />Glee Emmite gave a report on design projects in downtown: Topics included tree trimming class, Certificates of <br />Appropriateness in review and the downtown beautification assessment scheduled for the week of June 7-11 with <br />new committee members. <br />5. Coordinator's Report: <br />Paris Imagine the Possibilities tour of downtown properties will be hosted on June 26 and will include a tour of City <br />Hall. Hours are from 1p.m. — 4p.m. <br />Window restoration work shop was a huge success with 22 people attending and gaining a new appreciation for their <br />historic properties. <br />