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commission asked if they owners would consider the garage door lights be more in line <br />with the height of the transom windows. The applicant said they would see what they <br />could come up with. Ms. Gilliam gave a list of materials to be wood for windows, <br />fiberglass for doors and metal for the overhead door. A motion was made by <br />Commissioner Matthews to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness as presented, <br />seconded by Commissioner Caffey, Motion carried. <br />6. A motion to approve a fagade grant in the amount of $2500 for the rehabilitation of 333 <br />Bonham was made by Commissioner Emmite, seconded by Commissioner Vandiver, motion <br />carried. <br />7. The commission reviewed the tax exemption agreement for the rehabilitation of the historic <br />structure and determined the property located at 333 Bonham was in need of rehabilitation. A <br />motion was made to approve the tax exemption by Commissioner Matthews, seconded by <br />Commissioner Vandiver, Motion carried. <br />S. Ms. Bedford will reach out to Mr. & Mrs. Faber and set up a time to distribute the fagade <br />grant for the completion of 123 Bonham in accordance with the Certificate of <br />Appropriateness. A motion was made to approve the fagade grant for 123 Bonham by <br />Commissioner Matthews, seconded by Commissioner Caffey, motion carried. <br />Ms. Bedford gave updates on: <br />a. Minor Certificate of Appropriateness <br />b. Imagine the Possibilities & City Hall tours. <br />c. Pine Bluff and Fitzhugh Survey <br />d. A committee should be formed to begin to amend the Commercial National Register District <br />in accordance with the 2020 Survey findings. <br />9. The following officers were elected by acclamation <br />a. Chair -Chris Dux <br />b. Vice Chair- Laura Caffey <br />c. Secretary —Linda Vandiver <br />10. Commissioner Emmite requested the building maintenance booklet will be added to the <br />agenda for -review <br />Hearing no other items, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 4: 45 p.m. <br />day/f 2021 <br />Chairman of the Paris HistoKc Commission <br />