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Regular Council Meeting <br />July 12, 2021 <br />Page 5 <br />Ms. Harris said at a previous meeting, City Council approved in principle a separation <br />agreement between the City and Jerry Richey regarding his contracts as airport manager and <br />FBO manager. She explained the three documents that were i*n their agenda packets. Ms. Harris <br />said Mr. Richey would stay on as a consultant 40 hours per week,, until City hired, and Mr. <br />Richey trained'. a new employee to manage these duties. Ms. Harris said the weekly rate was <br />$1,200.00. She also said once the employee was trained, Mr. Richey would be available for <br />consultations at the hourly rate of $30.00 with a $30-.00 call out fie, and for teIephone <br />consultations at no charge,, <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Pilgrim and seconded by <br />Council Member Knox. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />12. Receive report of results from the Committee for employee evaluations, the dates and <br />processes. <br />Mayor Portugal reported that the Committee consisting of herself, Mayor Pro -Tem <br />Hughes and Council Member Pankaj, had met and decided on the dates for employee evaluations <br />as follows: Municipal Judge on September 27, City Attorney on October I I and City Manager <br />on October 25. <br />13. Discuss and Provide direction to staff with regard to amending the smoking regulations <br />(Ordinance Nos.. 2017-003 & 2020-029) and consider building into the ordinance an <br />application process for waiver. <br />Council Member Pilgrim said they had recently received a petition from employees of a <br />commercial business asking them to allow smoking in open air facilities. He said they should <br />consider giving a variance in these type of facilities where people were working in open spaces, <br />such as shops. Mr. Path said variances were normally granted by City Council but they would <br />want to establish criteria for granting variances., Council Member Pankaj said he was not <br />opposed to a variance process. Council Member Pilgrim suggested they put I'*t in the company's <br />court to bring the request to the City Council. Ms. Harris said they might want to mirror the <br />variance after the 2017 ordinance which did allow smoking in open air spaces, such as at Turner <br />and Body Guard. Mayor Portugal suggested the criteria include a requirement of a certain <br />number or percentage of employees must request the variance. She said she agreed with <br />freedoms but when it impeded on someone else's freedoms, that was a problem. Council <br />Member Savage said it looked like they were just creating an option.. Council Member Knox <br />She suggested they give consideration to industrysaid she had given a lot of thought to do this. <br />that had open air space but that the request should go from the employees to the manager or <br />owner of the industry, that the manager or owner then apply for the variance which would then <br />go to City Council,. <br />14. Consider and approve future events for City Council and/or City Staff pursuant to <br />Resolution No., 2004-081. <br />Council Member Pankaj said he would like to put an item on the next agenda to discuss <br />further details about putting on a builders' forum. <br />
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