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11 - Expansion of Property Assessed Clean Energy Program
City Council
Agenda Packets
August 9
11 - Expansion of Property Assessed Clean Energy Program
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(1) verification that the person requesting to participate in the program is <br />the legal record owner of the benefitted property, <br />(2) the applicant is current on mortgage and property tax payments, <br />(3) the applicant is not insolvent or in bankruptcy proceedings, <br />(4) the title of the benefitted property is not in dispute; and <br />(5) there is an appropriate ratio of the amount of the assessment to the <br />assessed value of the property. The Local Government determines that it <br />will follow the Texas PACE in a Box model program recommendation for <br />determining the appropriate loan to assessed value of the property. <br />The Local Government determines to be eligible for PACE financing, the <br />projected savings derived from the Qualified Improvement must be greater <br />than the cost of the PACE assessment and lien over the life of the <br />assessment (i.e., the Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR) should be greater <br />than one, SIR>1). A third -party lender and a for profit -property owner <br />may request a waiver in writing for a project with an SIR < 1 and address <br />the interests of tenants and future property owners. The Authorized <br />Representative may consider factors in a variance request including: <br />(a). Are there other environmental benefits such as air or water <br />quality or resiliency that are not captured in the SIR analysis; <br />(b) Will the proposed qualifying improvements generate <br />environmental marketable credits that can be monetized? <br />(c). What is the SIR calculation for the project (how far below 1?); <br />(d). If the SIR is < 1 over the term of the assessment, is the SIR > 1 <br />over the useful life of the equipment? <br />(e). What is the impact of a variance request on affected third <br />parties? and <br />(f) Other information the owner and lender wish to submit <br />regarding the impact of the qualified improvements on the <br />company and the community. <br />1. Mort,n,e Holder Notice and Consent. Asa condition to the execution of a <br />written contract between the Authorized Representative and the property owner <br />imposing an assessment under the program, the holder of any mortgage lien on <br />the property must be given notice of the owner's intention to participate in the <br />program on or before the 30th day before the date the contract is executed, and <br />the owner must obtain the written consent of all mortgage holders." <br />in. Imposition of Assessment. The Authorized Representative will enter into a <br />written contract with the property owner, only after: <br />(1) The property owner delivers to the Authorized Representative written <br />consent of all mortgage lien holders; <br />(2) The Authorized Representative's determination that the owner and the <br />property are eligible to participate in the program, that the proposed <br />improvements are reasonably likely to decrease energy or water <br />10 TX. Local Gov't Code §399.010. <br />
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